Zentrale Beiträge nach Themengebieten

Meine Forschung beschäftigt sich großteils mit der Frage, was langfristig den Wohlstand der Menschen beeinflusst. Daraus leitet sich die zweite zentrale Forschungsfrage ab, was schulische Leistungen beeinflusst. Die folgende Aufstellung listet zentrale Beiträge nach Themengebieten auf. 

I. Was beeinflusst langfristigen Wohlstand?

A. Bildungsleistungen und Wirtschaftswachstum

1.  Global Universal Basic Skills: Current Deficits and Implications for World Development (with S. Gust and E.A. Hanushek). Journal of Development Economics 166: 103205, 2024 [tweet1] [tweet2] [video

2.  Knowledge Capital and Aggregate Income Differences: Development Accounting for US States (with E.A. Hanushek and J. Ruhose). American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 9 (4): 184-224, 2017

3.  Knowledge Capital, Growth, and the East Asian Miracle (with E.A. Hanushek). Science 351 (6271): 344-345, 2016 

4.  Do Better Schools Lead to More Growth? Cognitive Skills, Economic Outcomes, and Causation (with E.A. Hanushek). Journal of Economic Growth 17 (4): 267-321, 2012

5.  Schooling, Educational Achievement, and the Latin American Growth Puzzle (with E.A. Hanushek). Journal of Development Economics 99 (2): 497-512, 2012

6.  The Role of Cognitive Skills in Economic Development (with E.A. Hanushek). Journal of Economic Literature 46 (3): 607-668, 2008 

B. Bildung und individueller Wohlstand

7.  Skills, Signals, and Employability: An Experimental Investigation (with M. Piopiunik, G. Schwerdt, and L. Simon). European Economic Review 123: 103374, 2020

8.  General Education, Vocational Education, and Labor-Market Outcomes over the Life-Cycle (with E.A. Hanushek, G. Schwerdt, and L. Zhang). Journal of Human Resources 52 (1): 48-87, 2017 

9.  Returns to Skills around the World: Evidence from PIAAC (with E.A. Hanushek, G. Schwerdt, and S. Wiederhold). European Economic Review 73: 103-130, 2015 

10.  The Impact of an Adult Education Voucher Program: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment (with G. Schwerdt, D. Messer, and S.C. Wolter). Journal of Public Economics 96 (7-8): 569-583, 2012

C. Bildung und historische Entwicklung

11.  Education and Religious Participation: City-Level Evidence from Germany’s Secularization Period 1890-1930 (with S.O. Becker and M. Nagler). Journal of Economic Growth 22 (3): 273-311, 2017

12.  Education and Catch-up in the Industrial Revolution (with S.O. Becker and E. Hornung). American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 3 (3): 92-126, 2011 

13.  The Trade-off between Fertility and Education: Evidence from before the Demographic Transition (with S.O. Becker and F. Cinnirella). Journal of Economic Growth 15 (3): 177-204, 2010 

14.  Was Weber Wrong? A Human Capital Theory of Protestant Economic History (with S.O. Becker). Quarterly Journal of Economics 124 (2): 531-596, 2009 

D. Religion, Kultur und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung

15.  Religion and Growth (with S.O. Becker and J. Rubin). Journal of Economic Literature, forthcoming [tweet

16.  The Separation and Reunification of Germany: Rethinking a Natural Experiment Interpretation of the Enduring Effects of Communism (with S.O. Becker and L. Mergele). Journal of Economic Perspectives 34 (2): 143-171, 2020 [tweet]

17.  Social Cohesion, Religious Beliefs, and the Effect of Protestantism on Suicide (with S.O. Becker). Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (3): 377-391, 2018  

18.  The Empire Is Dead, Long Live the Empire! Long-Run Persistence of Trust and Corruption in the Bureaucracy (with S.O. Becker, K. Boeckh and C. Hainz). Economic Journal 126 (590): 40-74, 2016 

19.  Not the Opium of the People: Income and Secularization in a Panel of Prussian Counties (with S.O. Becker). American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 103 (3): 539-544, 2013 

E. Internet und gesellschaftlicher Wohlstand

20.  Surfing Alone? The Internet and Social Capital: Evidence from an Unforeseeable Technological Mistake (with S. Bauernschuster and O. Falck). Journal of Public Economics 117: 73-89, 2014 

21.  Broadband Infrastructure and Economic Growth (with N. Czernich, O. Falck, and T. Kretschmer). Economic Journal 121 (552): 505-532, 2011 

II. Was beeinflusst Schülerleistungen?

B. Schulsysteme und Schülerleistungen: Externe Prüfungen, Autonomie und Wettbewerb

22Testing (with A.B. Bergbauer and E.A. Hanushek). Journal of Human Resources 59 (2): 349-388, 2024 [tweet1] [tweet2] [video]

23The Information Value of Central School Exams (with G. Schwerdt). Economics of Education Review 56: 65-79, 2017

24The Importance of School Systems: Evidence from International Differences in Student Achievement. Journal of Economic Perspectives 30 (3): 3-31, 2016 

25Does School Autonomy Make Sense Everywhere? Panel Estimates from PISA (with E.A. Hanushek and S. Link). Journal of Development Economics 104: 212-232, 2013  

26‘Every Catholic Child in a Catholic School’: Historical Resistance to State Schooling, Contemporary School Competition and Student Achievement across Countries (with M.R. West). Economic Journal 120 (546): F229-F255, 2010

27Schooling Resources, Educational Institutions, and Student Performance: The International Evidence. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 65 (2): 117-170, 2003

B. Ressourcen, Lehrkräfte und Schülerleistungen

28.  Virtually No Effect? Different Uses of Classroom Computers and their Effect on Student Achievement (with O. Falck and C. Mang). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 80 (1): 1-38, 2018

29.  The Impact of Teacher Subject Knowledge on Student Achievement: Evidence from Within-Teacher Within-Student Variation (with J. Metzler). Journal of Development Economics 99 (2): 486-496, 2012 

30.  Class-Size Effects in School Systems around the World: Evidence from Between-Grade Variation in TIMSS (with M.R. West). European Economic Review 50 (3): 695-736, 2006 

31.  Educational Production in Europe. Economic Policy 20 (43): 445-504, 2005

32.  The Decline of Schooling Productivity in OECD Countries (with E. Gundlach and J. Gmelin). Economic Journal 111 (471): C135-C147, 2001

C. Chancengerechtigkeit: Mentoring, Enklaven und Mehrgliedrigkeit

33Can Mentoring Alleviate Family Disadvantage in Adolescence? A Field Experiment to Improve Labor-Market Prospects (with S. Resnjanskij, J. Ruhose, S. Wiederhold, and K. Wedel). Journal of Political Economy 132 (3): 1013–1062, 2024 [tweet1] [video] [tweet2] [tweet3]

34Long-run Trends in the U.S. SES-Achievement Gap (with E.A. Hanushek, J.D. Light, P.E. Peterson, and L.M. Talpey). Education Finance and Policy 17 (4): 608-640, 2022 [tweet]

35Growing up in Ethnic Enclaves: Language Proficiency and Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children (with A.M. Danzer, C. Feuerbaum, and M. Piopiunik). Journal of Population Economics 35 (3): 1297-1344,  2022 [tweet]

36Does Ignorance of Economic Returns and Costs Explain the Educational Aspiration Gap? Representative Evidence from Adults and Adolescents (with P. Lergetporer and K. Werner). Economica 88 (351): 624-670, 2021 [tweet] [video]

37Education Policy and Equality of Opportunity (with G. Schütz and H.W. Ursprung). Kyklos 61 (2): 279-308, 2008

38Does Educational Tracking Affect Performance and Inequality? Differences-in-Differences Evidence across Countries (with E.A. Hanushek). Economic Journal 116 (510): C63-C76, 2006 

D. Bildungsdeterminanten: Geduld, Religionsunterricht und die Corona-Pandemie

39Can Schools Change Religious Attitudes? Evidence from German State Reforms of Compulsory Religious Education (with B. Arold and L. Zierow). CESifo Working Paper 9504 / IZA Discussion Paper 14989, January 2022 [tweet]

40The Legacy of Covid-19 in Education (with K. Werner). Economic Policy 38 (115): 609-668, 2023 [tweet1] [tweet2] [more on Covid]

41Patience, Risk-Taking, and Human Capital Investment across Countries (with E.A. Hanushek, L. Kinne, and P. Lergetporer). Economic Journal 132 (646): 2290-2307, 2022 [tweet]

42COVID-19 and Educational Inequality: How School Closures Affect Low- and High-Achieving Students (with E. Grewenig, P. Lergetporer, K. Werner, and L. Zierow). European Economic Review 140: 103920, 2021 [tweet] [video]

E. Öffentliche Meinung und die politische Ökonomie der Bildungspolitik

43.  Income Contingency and the Electorate’s Support for Tuition (with P. Lergetporer). CESifo Working Paper 9520 / IZA Discussion Paper 14991, January 2022 [tweet]

44.  Earnings Information and Public Preferences for University Tuition: Evidence from Representative Experiments (with P. Lergetporer). Journal of Public Economics 226: 104968, 2023 [tweet]

45.  Incentives, Search Engines, and the Elicitation of Subjective Beliefs: Evidence from Representative Online Survey Experiments (with E. Grewenig, P. Lergetporer, and K. Werner). Journal of Econometrics 231 (1): 304-326, 2022

46.  Educational Inequality and Public Policy Preferences: Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments (with P. Lergetporer and K. Werner). Journal of Public Economics 188: 104226, 2020

47.  Do Party Positions Affect the Public’s Policy Preferences? Experimental Evidence on Support for Family Policies (with E. Grewenig, P. Lergetporer, and K. Werner). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179: 523-543, 2020

48.  How Information Affects Support for Education Spending: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Germany and the United States (with P. Lergetporer, G Schwerdt, K. Werner, and M.R. West). Journal of Public Economics 167: 138-157, 2018