Why Use Door Finger Guards for Schools?

Finger and toe injuries are quite common with kids. At times the damage may not be that significant, but there can certainly be life-threatening emergencies as well. The most common cause that results in crushed, smashed, cut, jammed, dislocated or fractured fingers are banging doors or the doors that are not safely maintained.

Mild pain may not affect the kids’ daily routine, but moderate to severe pain is pretty bad, and may even keep the kids away from performing their normal activities. But it is not necessary for kids to feel that agony – proper safety measures undertaken at schools help kids stay away from swelling, cuts, profuse bleeding, torn off nails – in short, finger entrapment injuries.

This is why door finger guards for schools become an absolute necessity.

Your child may be studying or playing in a safe environment, but one unexpected moment and the injuries can lead to deep scars or even amputation in severe cases. So many kids are treated every year in the UK for door entrapment injuries. But protecting them from such problems at school is really simple.

Door hinge finger protector is the best and most feasible solution.

This little preventive tool helps avert door-related finger injuries by retaining its rounded shape. But, door hinge finger protectors are low-profile when it comes to their usage. Not many people or establishments understand their importance. However, these come very much under your budget and are also easy to attach and maintain while ensuring the safety of kids at schools or kindergartens.

Different shapes, sizes and colours options make the door hinge finger protectors even more appealing and fun to employ in a school environment. If your mission is to create a safer world for kids at school, make sure these are a part of your safety strategies.

Having door finger guards for schools right in place makes sure not just kids but even the staff members remain protected. Although adults are more cautious when it comes to diligently perform their daily activities, one unfortunate moment and anything can go wrong.

Finger entrapment injuries are a worldwide problem. These can happen anytime, anywhere and with anyone. So, installing such safety measures is a cost-effective solution to ensuring human safety. In fact, door hinge finger protectors are just the first step towards safety in school. They really do matter but installing the protectors with precision is the key. Also, the quality of the protector you choose makes a whole lot of difference.

Most door finger guards for schools allow easy installation, easy removal and come at a reasonable price. You may also find these in a set of two, four or more guards packed into one so these can be used on multiple doors in different areas of the school. However, you must always ensure the door hinge guards you purchase for a school set up last much longer, are sturdy, do not compromise on the quality and perfectly comply with the purpose.

Get in touch with a certified installer that may provide you with a site survey, follow the statutory requirements, and offer product guarantee as well.