How To Ensure Child Safety At Schools

An accident never arrives with a bell on its neck. This proverb is perfect, especially when it comes to

children. You can try your best to childproof your home and take several measures to safeguard your kids when you are not around, but what about all the time they spend in school?

School injuries and accidents are common, and the best way to avoid them is by training your child a few basics so they can look out for themselves.

What Injuries Tend To Occur At School?

Everything from fractures to falls tends to occur in school. Kids are prone to injure themselves when running around the playground. Some children also get their hands and fingers stuck between the door and its frame. However, you can always check if your chosen school has installed door finger guards for schools.

What Does The School Do?

Almost all schools follow safety standards laid out by the Government. However, with so many teachers and children, they can't be 100% foolproof. To prevent falls, schools must ensure no tripping hazards like uneven flooring, open wires, etc. You can also choose to replace some commonly used doors with PVC curtains. These curtains are excellent at maintaining indoor temperature and can contain bugs and insects from getting in. They are a safer alternative for doors.

Schools must also regularly check their safety devices such as fire alarms, emergency, and CCTV cameras to ensure they work. Most schools have a safety committee of teachers and students to keep the premises safe and identify potential areas where accidents may happen, such as toilets, parking, etc.

We suggest you insist on taking a few precautions and allow your children to enjoy their childhood! As parents, taking some precautions and educating your kids about school safety can help you prevent emergency hospital visits. It is also important to mention that injuries occur and will happen, so never let them dampen your child's spirit.