Why should your school have door safety products installed?

Schools teach children the basic hygiene, not to respond to strangers and the primary values. However, it seems that the majority of schools miss out on their doors having safety features installed. It is the basic visible tool that ensures the school’s safety and security.

Sadly, schools do not pay much heed to the door’s safety features and thus we get to hear about a lot of finger trapping accidents. So, all the school owners should take a note and construct the doors with a preventive approach.

Door safety measures secure a prime place while designing the school’s safety measures. However, many instances are also visible when schools use certain safety devices and add-ons which have placed students and teachers at risk, instead of protecting them.

In such cases, a door finger protection works best. With this, the list below states some critical conditions everyone should be aware of. Let’s have a look at these:

The door locks should be made in a way that it integrates building codes, fire codes, to ensure our safety from a variety of threats. This feature seems to be missing in several locks these days.

There is a need for door locks that have easy usage access, irrespective of age, mental stability or disability. This refers to installing locks at a favourable height with easy to operate features in one smooth motion. To place it in simple words, people should not be trained or they shouldn’t practice just to bolt the door. If that is the occurrence, the mechanism is not simple enough.

It is a natural tendency that when people try to evacuate a place in large numbers, they panic more and increase the chance of getting trapped quickly.

Construct the doors in a way that they are lockable from inside. This means that without the students or teachers opening the door to lock it. There is no need to open the door for locking it again when there are possibilities of a threat outside.

A door hinge guard protection also works best. After installing them into the doors, they not only save the fingers from injuries but also defends you from any additional and resultant compensation claim.

However, different levels of security devices might be tailor-made and then installed, catering to the needs of students in that school. Studies prove that toddlers or young infants tend to trap their fingers on the door’s hinge side more. Every year, nearly thirty thousand children trap the fingers between doors’ hinges and frames, resulting in serious injuries.

So, while implementing the designs for a primary school, it would be always advised to opt for a premium quality hinge finger protection device. In addition, you might as well install an anti-door slam device. This helps to prevent injuries from the handle side of doors of schools.

Be it the designing of a new building, or a complete revamp of an old one, installing the door safety features and making it a part of the design, is always a primary concern. Thinking about it at the very beginning is a good thing, especially if you are concerned about the overall well-being of your school.