Door Finger Guards: An Easy Solution For A Serious Problem.

When going through your property looking for potential hazards, have you ever stopped to think about doors? This seemingly harmless architectural element can result in severe injuries like ruptured ligaments, broken bones, and muscle damage. In fact, door related injuries account for a significant part of home and office injuries that require immediate medical attention. So, in today's blog, we aim to help you understand how dangerous doors can be and what you can do to make them safe for your family and guests.

Doors: How Dangerous Are They?

Door-related finger injuries can occur on the door's handle and hinge side. Handle-side accidents are more common, but they are also generally less severe. Conversely, hinge-related door injuries are less common but significantly more severe, making door hinge finger guards a fan favourite. The primary reason why this happens is because of all the leverage involved when a door closes. To better understand this, we suggest you perform the following experiment.

Try closing the door on a pencil placed on the handle side of a door. You will notice a few serious nicks in the pencil. Next, please do the same, but place the pencil on the hinge side between the door and its frame this time. You will notice that the door instantly severs the pencil into two pieces. That is the difference between those two injuries. We have a perfect solution to prevent your figure from suffering the same fate!

Door Finger Guards!

Door hinge finger guards are high-quality plastic shields that help you cover the zone between the door and its frame. Once you install this door finger protection on all high-traffic doors on your property, you can easily prevent any hands or fingers from getting caught between a closing door.

While these doors are primarily used as safety measures, manufacturers also do their best to make them look aesthetically pleasing. You can easily find door hinge protectors in various colours and select one that best fits your property. Moreover, these protectors are effortless to install without hiring professionals, making the task effortless.

Using door finger guards can help significantly reduce or even eliminate a severe hazard from your property. These devices are not very expensive and can help prevent gruesome injuries that could cause permanent damage.