Explore the cost -effective door finger protector

Whether it is a school, daycare centre or even home, door-related finger accidents are common everywhere, especially where children interact with doors daily. Each year, thousands of children’s fingers are trapped between the hinges of doors, leading to lifelong damage. In most cases, doors-related finger accidents require amputation. Therefore, you need to reduce the risks of these types of accidents. Finger guards are designed to prevent finger trapping injuries. But which types of door safety products will be best for your premises? Here are some examples of cost-effective door safety products.

A door finger protector is a modular door safety system that is designed to maintain its convex shape thereby preventing door-related finger accidents. Affordable, easy to install and maintain, it is ideal for schools, daycare centres, and even homes. Although this door finger protector system is not designed for fire-rated doors, this shield can be safely extended to stay away from restriction wider opening doors.

Slam stop is also known as anti-door slam device, designed to prevent your child’s fingers from getting nipped in the handle side of closing doors. Easy to install and maintain, this stopper can work with most conventional-framed doors. It is perfect for use in childcare centres, schools, kindergartens or at home. When a door installed with slam stopper attempts to close at high speed, this device locks and releases itself, ensuring that the door closes completely slowly.

Slide safe system is perfect for reducing the risk of door-related finger and hand injuries. It is designed to install in external two-panel in-line sliding door systems. This safety product works by creating a safe gap between the leading edge and closing jam of doors.

Hinge pin side finger protector device is designed to install into all types of hinged doors without including the large parliament hinges. With door finger protector, this hinge pin side door safety product can reduce the risk of finger entrapment injuries on the doors’ hinged edges. In addition, this door hinge finger protector is perfect for doors which open to 180 degrees.

Gate cap is yet another device that can protect fingers from the hinge cavity’s top on low-level gates when used with the door finger protector.

With these safety door products, you can prevent finger trapping accidents in your establishment. If you are interested to purchase one of these products, you need to choose the best quality device and ensure that the company you are purchasing them from also installs these door safety products perfectly.