The Dangers Of Door-Related Finger Injuries

One thing that many caregivers and parents overlook when childproofing or babyproofing their homes is that toddlers, babies, and even aged people are injured every day when their hands or fingers get caught in the doorways.

Here, you can learn more about door-related injuries and what you can do to prevent them in your home or at school.

The Statistics

As per information available online, one of the most common causes of finger amputation cases is when it's crushed or shut between the door and its frame. Children under the age of five are particularly prone to such accidents.

It's also vital to note that most of these accidents occur either at home or school. If you are a school authority or a parent, you must do everything possible to prevent such accidents. You can always install PVC curtains for high-traffic areas like hallways. For other regions, consider door finger guards.

Door Finger Guards

By far, the most popular way to prevent door-related injuries in your home is by investing in door finger guards for schools and homes. These guards prevent anyone from reaching the hinge gap between the door and its frame. If you don't consider this serious, you can try an experiment yourself. Place one pencil between the door and its frame on the hinge side and close it. That is what's going to happen with your finger.

You can find several different door hinge protectors online that can easily blend in the room and are pretty easy to install. Most door finger guards don't even require you to damage your door by making holes. As a property owner, you should also remember that a door-related injury may result in a lawsuit that might cost you and your business a lot of money, time, and energy in the long haul.