Childproofing Classroom Entrances: Exploring the Role of Door Finger Guards and PVC Curtains

The safety and well-being of children in educational institutions are of utmost importance, and one critical aspect that demands careful consideration is the childproofing of classroom entrances. Given the continuous movement of students in and out of classrooms, it becomes essential to establish efficient measures that effectively prevent accidents and injuries.

Door Finger Guards

Mitigate the Risk of Finger Entrapment Injuries 

Door finger guards for schools have emerged as a reliable solution to address the risk of finger entrapment injuries. The Door Finger Protector by Safety Assured is a notable product that offers a comprehensive and effective door safety system. It is designed to meet the statutory requirements outlined in the Common Law Duty of Care and The Health and Safety at Work Act. This modular system provides a discreet, affordable, easy-to-maintain solution for childproofing classroom entrances.

Convex Shape for Maximum Safety and Compliance

The Door Finger Protector shield system is meticulously engineered to retain its convex shape, thereby preventing injuries and avoiding obstruction of closing fire doors. This design feature ensures that the shield remains effective in its protective role while adhering to safety regulations. The fixings of the system are designed not to perforate fire-rated doors, ensuring compliance and safety.

Versatile Application for Different Door Types

Educational institutions often have various types of doors, and the Door Finger Protector offers solutions to cater to different door configurations. The Hinge Cavity (HC and HC-N) options are suitable for conventional doors with standard butt, rising butt, or pivot hinges, including glass doors. These shield sections can be extended to fit any door size, making them adaptable to different classroom entrances. The Hinge Pin side (HP) Finger Protector also eliminates the risk of finger entrapment injuries on the hinged edge of doors. It is compatible with most hinged, timber, metal, and PVC doors.

PVC Curtains

Improved Safety Measures and Access Control

In addition to door finger guards, PVC curtains are another essential component in childproofing classroom entrances. These curtains act as a protective barrier, effectively enhancing safety measures within the educational environment. Made of durable PVC material, these curtains are designed to be transparent, allowing visibility while ensuring protection.

Prevent Unauthorised Access and Encourage Caution

PVC curtains can be installed near classroom entrances to prevent unauthorised access and discourage students from running out unsupervised. Their presence acts as a reminder for students to exercise caution when entering or exiting the classroom. By creating a designated area for safe movement, PVC curtains help reduce the risk of accidents and potential injuries.

Maintain a Comfortable Learning Environment

Beyond their role in enhancing safety, PVC curtains offer additional benefits. They contribute to maintaining a comfortable learning environment by minimising noise transfer and regulating temperature. These curtains effectively reduce noise distractions from the outside environment and create a more conducive space for focused learning. Additionally, they help regulate temperature by preventing drafts and maintaining a consistent climate within the classroom.

Closing Words

Childproofing classroom entrances is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of students. Door finger guards effectively address the risk of finger entrapment injuries, while PVC curtains provide an added layer of protection and control access. These measures contribute to a secure and conducive learning environment, fostering the well-being of students. Prioritising child safety by implementing door finger guards and PVC curtains can help educational institutions create a safer and more secure environment for their students.