All School Owners Must Install Door Hinge Protectors!

Do you own a property dealing with children or older adults, like a school or a hospital? If you do, then you must ensure their safety around doors. Studies show that door-related injuries at home or school could lead to amputation and life-long problems.

Kids like to explore the world around them and discover new things. It is all a critical part of their overall development. But are you, as a business owner, adequately aware of all the potential risks around your property? One area that's often overlooked regarding safety is closing doors. Around 30,000 finger entrapment injuries involve doorways every year, and more than 1,500 have surgery.

The hinge side of the door, self-shutting fire safety doors, and car doors are the three top causes of hand and finger entrapment injuries in the UK.

Finger Injuries Can Be Serious.

Kids who suffer finger injuries from doors may experience long-lasting pain. It's also worth keeping in mind that kids under five tend to suffer the highest number of door-related injuries that result in amputation.

Injuries to hands and fingers can profoundly impact everyday tasks like eating food or getting dressed. The more severe your injury, the more significant impact it will have on your life. The potential for finger injury is a critical cause of concern that you must pay special attention to if you don't want any legal troubles.

Studies on the topic show that most finger-related injuries that result in severe issues are from the hinge side of the door. Imagine a child gripping the hinge side or their fingers are between the door and its frame and the door is pushed closed by air. You can easily understand the risk of an excruciating and severe injury. So, what precautions can you take?

In case of a high-traffic area like the school corridor or common room, you can consider removing the door and adding a free-flow PVC curtain. It will help you mitigate any concerns regarding door-related injuries. However, there are better solutions for other areas, like classroom and washroom doors.

Hinge-Side Finger Protectors

Several types of door hinge protectors available in the market can help you prevent any hands or fingers from getting trapped on the hinge side of the door. These door finger protectors help cover the gap between the door and its frame, preventing any fingers from accessing that space. The installation of most door hinge protectors available online is pretty straightforward and doesn't require you to make any holes or damage your door in any way.

Remember, a door-related injury can result in a lawsuit against your firm, resulting in you and your business losing thousands in court. Ever heard of that saying a stitch in time saves nine? If you act now and mitigate door-related injuries on your property, you can easily save yourself the time, money, and effort needed to fight a case.

More importantly, you can protect small kids and senior citizens from pain and trauma. Look for high-quality door finger protectors online and get one that offers the safety you can depend upon.