Want to childproof your rental property? Here is how you can do it!

Do you own a rental property and wish to make it safe for children? As a property owner or manager, there are a lot of safety upgrades you can do to attract potential tenants. Childproofing your rental property is a simple and efficient way to attract families and protect all your tenants from potential dangers.

Childproofing stairs, installing window locks, and installing door hinge protectors are a few ways you can make your property a haven for young ones. Let's take a closer look at these products:

Window locks

A slip and fall accident can harm children. You should make sure your windows are built using solid materials. You should also install window locks and latches on all windows within your vicinity. Remember that childproofing your entire property is critical to prevent kids from opening and tumble from the window.

Door finger guards

If you have ever stuck your finger between the door and its frame, you probably know how painful it can be. Kids under the age of five are prone to such door-related injuries, resulting in an emergency visit to a doctor and even amputation. By installing door finger guards for schools, you can easily prevent any curious fingers from reaching the hinge gap of doors.

Childproofing stairs

If your property has a staircase, you must ensure that its railings are firm in place to prevent any accidents. You can also install stair gates at the start and end of each outdoor staircase to avoid falls. You can even use non-slip materials around stairways to prevent accidental slips and falls.

You can also look for a few childproofing ideas online. As long as you keep these things in check, you can rest easy, knowing that all children within your vicinity are safe from any significant harm.