What to do if children crush their finger in a door at your daycare centre?

Thousands of children in the UK require hospital treatment every year after crushing their fingers between the door hinges at daycare centres. However, by installing door finger protection devices in place, the vast majority of finger-trapping accidents can be eliminated. But, in case if a finger trapping accident occurs, it is essential to know what steps to take to help the injured child as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Severed Finger

In the most extreme conditions, child finger trapping accidents can cause severe fingertips. This situation requires immediate emergency treatment. When your finger or fingertip is cut off, one of the most important things is to find the severed finger as quickly as possible. After finding it, you need to wash the finger or tip with clean water or sterile saline and then cover it with a clean damp cloth. If more than one finger is cut off, it is necessary to put them into separate clean bags to prevent infection and further damage. Take your child to the skilled surgeons to re-attach your child’s finger or tip.

Breaks and Fractures

In most cases, finger-crushing injuries can lead to a broken or fractured finger. Breaks and fractures are painful so the injured area should be handled carefully. However, it is essential to remember that if your child’s bone is jutting out of his/her skin, this injury should be handled by a doctor to avoid the risk of sustaining any further damage. Therefore, if you suspect your child’s finger is broken or dislocated after trapping finger in the door, you should go to the emergency room.

Sprains and Strains

In the case of finger-trapping accidents, it is always best to consult a professional to confirm whether a finger is broken or just sprained. With a sprained injury, movement of the finger is possible, and the finger shouldn’t be visibly deformed. Also, you can apply ice to reduce the pain and swelling.

Prevention is better than cure

With these tips, you can prevent the injuries from getting worse, but prevention is still better than cure. That’s why you need to use the hinge finger guard on both the front and back hinge side of the doors to prevent finger trapping accidents. Apart from this, you can use door stoppers to stop door slam accidents on the handle side of the door.

You must have understood what you should do if children trap their fingers in a door at your daycare centre by now. You can permanently reduce the risk of finger trapping accidents in your daycare centre by installing door finger protectors. So, what are you waiting for? Purchase the best door safety products and hire professionals for installation to ensure long-lasting results.