How to Select the Right Door Finger Protector for Your Needs?

Whether you are a school director, day-care facility manager, or a homeowner, you should ensure that your building’s doors have right finger protector systems in place. It is essential to reduce the risk of finger trapping accidents.

Finger entrapment injuries can be a traumatic experience, and may even lead to amputation. Unfortunately, toddlers and curious children are more susceptible to these accidents as they are unaware of the risk associated when opening and closing doors. If any case of finger entrapment happens in your commercial establishment, you can be sued, and that can affect your financial condition as well as reputation. So, it is essential to use the right door finger protection device for childproofing your property.

While finger guard is not compulsory, it is common practice to install the right one in place with lots of young children. In many cases, there are safety guards fitted on doors, but children’s fingers still somehow get trapped. The fact is that property owners use low-quality protectors for their doors. So, make sure you choose the right product for preventing finger injuries from occurring at your place. Here’s how:

When it comes to choosing the right door safety guards, you may find different options in the market. But the fact is that all of them are not equal in quality. So, to choose the right product, you first need to decide on who you are trying to protect from finger entrapment injuries at your place. For example, if you are concerned mainly for toddlers and kids under four years of age, 1.2 m hinge guard strip will be sufficient for childproofing. It is just enough to stop a child of this age from crashing their finger between the door gaps.

Finger protection devices of both sizes (1.2 m & 1.8 m) allow the door to open at approximately 110 degrees, which in most cases, is sufficient. But for doors that opened at approx 180 degrees, you should use a hinge finger protector. It eliminates the risk of finger entrapment injuries on the hinge side of doors. After that, thinking about what types of your door on which you want to install safety guards is an essential step for childproofing your building. If you have a rising butt hinged door, you will never go wrong with finger protector hinge cavity products. But if you have sliding doors, you should select a safe slide device.

Once you follow these steps, you can surely get the best finger safety products for your doors. But only choosing the right product is not enough for preventing the little ones from finger crushing incidents. Even the wrong installation can increase the risk of these accidents. So, make sure your right product is appropriately installed. To achieve that, you can get in touch with professionals.