Ensure Your Child’s Safety at Home And School With Door Safety Guards

For a curious child, doors can be surprisingly dangerous. Every day, hundreds of children, especially those under the age of five can get their fingers trapped in the hinge side of the door – between the door and the door frame. The incident may only result in a nasty bruise on the finger or hand or a broken fingernail; however, the most severe injuries could end in amputation. The potential liability and the cost of medical expenses associated with each finger trap injury can be in thousands of pounds. As a parent, you would obviously want your child to stay away from these dangers – both at home and child care facilities.

One way to ensure child safety is to simply make it so the curious toddlers are not able to open the doors. It’s easy if your doors already have locks as you can just lock them every time you close them. However, if you don’t have doors with locks, you can replace them with those that do. Keep in mind that changing door locks can be a costly affair and is really not a practical deterrent for its worth.

Door hinge guards, on the other hand, are specifically designed to avoid child finger injuries and unwanted liability claims. When compared to other alternatives of door safety, hinge guards are a very affordable and practical investment.

The way door hinge guards work is pretty straightforward too. The protective, flexible strips easily cover the opening between the door and the door frame on both the push and pull sides of the door. Installing the guards is as simple as it gets and can be done with nothing but a few basic tools like a tape measure, pencil, and screwdriver. Not to mention, most high-quality hinge guard kits come with detailed instructions on how-to-install.

It’s crucial to ensure that necessary preventive measures are in place to prevent finger injuries before they even happen. Door finger guards for schools and child care facilities are among the most effective ways to make sure that children cannot insert their delicate fingers or hands in the gaps on the hinge side of the door.

In addition to avoiding the injuries in the first place, finger guards will relieve you of the stress that is caused by your child getting injured. Lastly, the insurance firms are encouraging pre-school and child care facilities to put in door finger guards so they can reduce the odds of paying stiff medical expenses and of the parents taking legal action by filing costly liability claims against the facility.