The Overlooked Threat Of Doors And How To Address It

Whenever you think about an accident, you think of accidents outside the house. However, it might come as a surprise that around 45% of all non-intensive injury deaths take place in or around the home. This is a sobering and scary thought at the same time. It's no secret that we all want our homes to be the safest place for our family. When childproofing a home, we pay much attention to door locks, furniture, and other potential threats in and around our home. However, most people generally forget to address the door!

You can find doors everywhere, but people rarely consider them a threat. But did you know that a closing door can exert around 40 tons of pressure per square inch? This much pressure is enough to fracture, break, and even amputate your finger! Nevertheless, there are certain things like teaching door safety and installing door finger protection, that you can do to address this issue permanently!

Preventing Door-Related Accidents At Home!

The best way to address this issue is by ensuring you take all necessary safety precautions. You can make several arrangements in your home that help ensure you prevent most injuries at home. These include:

Teaching Your Kids About Door Safety: As parents, you must teach them about the dangers of doors. Place a pencil between the door and its frame, and close the door. Now, ask your child to imagine that the pencil is their finger. This should be a good example that clearly explains what a door can do to a child's fingers.

Install Door Stoppers: A lot of injuries that take place on the handle side of the door result from doors closing unexpectedly. If you want to prevent this, securing your doors using a wooden or rubber door stopper is best! These stops can help you avoid accidents and a potential visit to the emergency room!

Install Door Hinge Guards: Another area of the door that is infamous for causing injuries is the door hinge. This is the small gap between the door and its frame. Hinge side door injuries generally result in severe damage! Installing door hinge finger guards is the best way to prevent these injuries. These guards are readily available online and can be installed without hiring professional help. They help cover the entire hinge gap of a door, preventing any fingers from reaching in and getting stuck.

As long as you follow these three tips, you can ensure your doors don't cause any potential accidents when you are not around!