Door Finger Guards and Their Role in Commercial Properties

If you are the property owner or manager of a warehouse, restaurant, or nursery, you should not ignore door safety within your premises.

All high traffic doors in commercial properties are subjected to being opened and closed several times each day. This makes it highly likely for employees or customers to get their fingers accidentally trapped in the hinge sides.

You need to consider the fact that a closing door exerts a pressure of 32,000 PSI! Suppose your fingers get caught towards the hinge cavity of a closing door; it can result in life-long ligament or muscle damage along with other serious injuries such as dislocated or cracked bones and possibly even amputation.

Furthermore, entrapment injuries also come with litigation and claims for damage, which can be very expensive for your firm to deal with. Thus, a hinge finger guard can help you prevent these injuries effortlessly.

Avoid liabilities today!

The risk of finger injuries and the liabilities that come with it can easily be avoided by getting a door hinge protector installed.

The primary purpose of a door hinge protector is to minimize the cavity between the door and its frame, preventing anyone from putting their fingers in the void and getting fingers trapped.

In addition, most door hinge guards can easily be installed, refitted, and removed all by yourself without using any nails or glue.

Prevention is better than cure.

Even though it can be difficult to foresee all accidents, you can certainly prevent them. High-quality, professional-grade door hinge guards tend to provide business owners with a safe and reliable fix to avoid any sudden door-related entrapment injuries.

While you may think of these safety measures as an added expense, they can help you save a lot of money on medical bills and lawsuits that often follow a finger entrapment accident on a commercial property.

Contact a professional today and discuss your options.