Top Injuries You Can Incur In A Warehouse

A large part of the growth that's occurred in the US can be attributed directly to warehousing and manufacturing development. However, warehouses also come with an increase in work-related injuries. Many people working in warehouses have more chances of getting injured while on the job.

Many employers tend to cut corners on appropriate safety measures, pressure workers to maintain a fast-paced workflow, and ignore several hazards that may lead to unnecessary and often life-altering workplace injuries. Look at the top common warehouse-related injuries you must be aware of when running a warehouse.

Forklift Accidents

Forklift accidents can result from unsafe operation by users, poor or inadequate training, poorly maintained equipment, crowded facilities, or poorly maintained equipment. These injuries can occur from pinning and crushing other workers, forklifts running into other machines, overturning, etc., resulting in severe accidents that may even include fatal claims.

If you wish to avoid such accidents, we suggest you install free-flow PVC curtains. They will give forklift operators an unobstructed view of what's on the other side, helping you mitigate any chances of collision.

Door Related Accidents

There are thousands of employees each year who have to be rushed to the emergency room as a result of door-related injuries. Though injuries can occur from both sides of the door, the hinge side is infamous for causing severe injuries that can result in fractures and torn ligaments and may even require amputation.

The best way to prevent door-related injuries is by installing Door hinge protectors on your property. These guards can help you cover the gap between your door and its frame, preventing you and your employees from accidentally getting their hands or fingers stuck between a closing door.

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Overuse injuries are ideally caused when warehouse employees put too much stress or pressure on a particular part of their body by repeating the same movement repeatedly. Such injuries tend to occur when employees work on highly repetitive tasks.

They can also arise due to high pace work and failure to switch employees when working on highly repetitive activities. If you want your employees to not suffer from such injuries, we suggest you switch employees regularly.

Overexertion Injuries

These injuries typically occur from lifting things and can cause damage to your lumbar spine, cervical spine, and shoulder areas. In most cases, these injuries arise from a lack of appropriate training. However, they can also occur if your employees are trying to get a lot of work done but were not following procedures.

They may also result from any lack of important equipment in your warehouse. If you wish to prevent these injuries, ensure you have all the right equipment and training and follow procedures to get the job done.

Remember, as a warehouse manager, you must know that these injuries can delay work. Moreover, if an employee gets injured from your mistake, they may file a lawsuit which will take time and money from your business. Ensure you pay attention to these injuries if you don't want a fine on your hands.