What are PVC curtains, and how can they help your commercial property?

PVC is the 3rd most widely produced plastic on our planet. It is often used across several industries throughout the globe, thanks to its long-lasting durability, low cost, and applicability. One common application of PVC curtains is to help create barriers in spaces with minimal risks of injuries. However, there are various other benefits of using PVC curtains as well.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about free-flow PVC curtains and their benefits.

Types of PVC curtain

There are several different types of PVC curtains depending on either their weight or density. Even though they might differ in application, both light and heavy PVC curtains share advantages. Thicker, heavier PVC curtains are ideally used in areas where heavy machinery like forklift trucks needs to pass through curtains repeatedly throughout the day. Light-duty PVC curtains are not as tough or thick as heavy ones since they are ideal for light traffic areas.

Benefits of using free flow PVC curtains

Given below is a list of top advantages you get from installing free flow PVC curtains on your commercial property:

Money and energy saving

Free-flow PVC curtains can help you reduce cold/heat loss from an area and make air conditioning more efficient. It will help your business save a lot of money on your monthly energy bill. Moreover, you can easily maintain your desired temperature indoors.

No more pests

Though PVC curtains allow machinery and employees to pass through easily, they are too heavy for tiny pests. A gapless PVC barrier can help ensure no small pests such as rodents, insects, etc. can pass through, protecting your commercial property from any unwelcome visitors.


The transparency of free-flow PVC curtains allows natural light to pass through, helping you improve overall workplace safety. Even though you can always install a door hinge protector to enhance security around doors, PVC lets you see if another employee is approaching from the other side, whether on foot or operating a machine. This way, it ensures there are no collisions or accidents.


If you have heavy machinery like forklifts working on your property, it can be tedious to open and close the door for them to pass through multiple times a day. You are wasting a lot of time waiting for the doors to open and close for machines to pass. However, when you install PVC curtains, you can effortlessly pass through them with no risk of damage! It will surely help you and your business save time.

All these advantages offered by free-flow PVC curtains are excellent, and even one advantage should be enough reason for you to install these curtains on your commercial property. With all these benefits combined, PVC curtains will give you an incredible array of advantages, almost all of which help you save money. If you wish to know more about PVC curtains and how they work, we suggest you reach out to a professional PVC expert. They can inform you more about how PVC curtains work and how they will benefit your business.