Top tips to help improve safety in schools and classrooms

Both students and faculty members tend to spend the majority of their time in school. And thanks to creative and hardworking teachers, these buildings are transformed into welcoming educational environments. They can help add life to otherwise bland properties and inspire kids to develop into informed and responsible adults. 

However, with so much going on, it is also essential for you to ensure your school offer a safe environment to everyone within the vicinity. As the owner or manager of the property, you must make sure teachers can teach, and students can learn without having to stress about getting hurt in an accident. Consider sharing these top classroom safety tips with your teachers if you wish to build a safe environment in school:

Door safety: Doors have a bad reputation for causing severe accidents in schools and daycare centres. Consider installing door finger guards for schools. These guards help prevent hands or fingers from accessing the hinge gap between the door and frame. 

Keep hazardous materials out of kids' reach: Hazardous materials like chemicals and cleaning supplies must always be appropriately labelled and stored securely. It would help if you also had safety data sheets that address how you should treat exposure to hazardous materials you may have in your school. 

Consider PVC curtains: Free-flow PVC curtains allow you to mitigate any collision or door-related injuries in areas like the hall or inside labs. They can also help you create harmless, see-through barriers to prevent contamination. 

Prevent electrical overload: Never plug two extension cords or surge protectors together. Always be very attentive to how many devices you plug into one outlet. If you notice your surge protector keeps resetting, you are overloading it! 

Classroom safety is critical to risk management for schools and other educational institutions. Ensure your faculty members are aware of any potential hazards in your school and are equipped with resources to eliminate them to create a safer learning environment.