Keep your little one’s fingers safe with door safety products

As any parent will tell any future parent, having a child will change your life. Your baby will become the most important thing in your world, and things would never be the same again. This includes making changes around the home that might not have been required until now.

Once your child begins walking, there is no shutting down their curiosity. And perhaps the biggest threat, for them, will be the doors in your home. Doors can get the better of even us adults every so often. While some choose to make certain areas of the home out-of-bounds to their babies, their curiosity should not be inhibited unless absolutely necessary. Let them mooch around as much as possible. But keep them out of harm's way.

The main risk doors pose to your child are trapped fingers. This may happen between the leading edge and the frame when the door closes or between the back edge and the frame where the hinges are located. For either instance, door safety products can keep your children's fingers safe and your mind at rest.

Products like anti-door slam devices attach to the leading edge of the door and act as a shield between it and the frame. This means that the door can never close entirely with the stopper in place, making trapped fingers an impossibility. On the rear edge of your custom wood doors, flexible hinge cavity products can be used to prevent little fingers from getting caught while allowing the door to open and close normally. You should make sure that not only your home but your child’s day-care or school is safe as well. For this, you need to check whether your child’s centre of learning has door finger guards for schools installed.

Childproofing your home will help you feel more at ease when leaving the room for a little while. Sure, you are required to look after your children every second, but the truth is that no one is that perfect, and kids can get into things very fast. Not only will baby proofing help you get some things done around the house, but you will know that your child is on the safe side while doing so. By ensuring door safety at the home and your child’s school, the odds of your child getting themselves into the harm’s way will be greatly minimized.