Top Considerations When Buying PVC Curtains

It's not a secret that PVC curtains can benefit several commercial businesses. They act as an ideal barrier against pests, dust, and other contaminants and help you improve energy efficiency within your vicinity, keeping the hot air out or in as required.

Whether it is a school, an auto body shop, an office space, or a cold storage unit, free-flow PVC curtains can help you significantly improve your work environment.

Factors You Need To Consider When Purchasing PVC Curtains For Your Business

You can easily find a lot of reasons why you must invest in PVC curtains online, the most famous being they are a safer option than door finger guards for schools and other commercial institutions. However, only a few people speak about what you must consider when purchasing PVC curtains for your firm. Let's check out some of these considerations:

The Size

It would help if you started by determining the total size of your door or opening when installing the curtains. It will help you find out how many rolls you need. Usually, one roll of PVC strip curtain is enough to help cover a 100 sq. ft. area.

The Type

You can find several types of PVC curtains best suited for a specific purpose. PVC curtains using antistatic materials are best for high-traffic areas, while polar-grade curtains are ideal for maintaining a cold temperature.

You can also find welding-grade curtains that easily withstand hot metal projectiles and sparks. Depending on your usage, a professional can quickly point you in the right direction.


Another critical factor you must consider is the transparency of your curtains. You can select clear PVC curtains to maintain complete transparency between the two areas. These curtains are ideal for facilities where there is a frequent flow of heavy machinery. However, you can also find curtains with a tint to help offer some privacy.

Depending on your application, a professional PVC expert can suggest all your best options. They can also help you install PVC curtains, though you can do it yourself.