Common accidents that lead to injures in schools.

All parents want their children to have a healthy and safe life. Sadly, the total number of claims related to injuries sustained by kids at school, universities, and colleges is on the rise. These injuries are often incurred by accident, and it is the school or college authority's responsibility to reduce the overall risk of such accidents from occurring wherever possible. Some of the most common accidents that lead to injuries and subsequent claims include:

Trips, slips, and falls

Studies show that 55% of all critical accidents in schools and colleges happen due to slipping or tripping in car parks, corridors, stairs, and outdoor playgrounds (especially play equipment). Falls from windows are another thing that you need to keep in mind. Even though they are not as common as trips and slips, a fall from an open window can potentially be more dangerous. Such accidents may also happen inside a classroom if you have multiple bags or cables for computers or TVs lying around, unsecured.

While slips and trips are challenging to avoid, you can easily prevent window falls by installing windows that only open partway (using window restrictors). Remember that tools like window restrictors and door finger guards for schools can help you prevent accidents or legal claims without a lot of investment.

Accidents involving doors

We all know that an education facility tends to have a lot of doors. These doors often present an increased risk of hand or finger-related injuries, either via pupil being hit by closing or opening the door or by getting their fingers stuck between the door and its frame.

Even though being hit by a door can be severe, a finger entrapment injury can also be severe and result in fracture, muscle tear, and may even lead to amputation. If you are managing a school or any educational institution, we suggest you look into this issue by installing door hinge finger guards on all high-traffic areas. These guards can help you prevent any emergency visit to the hospital.

Sports-related injuries

The nature of playing sports tends to leave us all prone to suffering an injury, but this risk can significantly increase in schools. This is why sports-related injuries are one of the most commonly incurred injuries by students in colleges, schools, and universities, especially in sports that require equipment, like tennis, cricket, etc.

It is not easy for schools to manage such risks due to the number of people involved, the quality of equipment provided, and the required supervision. By hiring a well-trained staff, higher levels of management, and good quality equipment, you can reduce any risk of accidents.

All parents want their children to be safe when under your supervision, which is why you must do everything in your power to keep them safe and secure. If you are running an educational institution, you must take safety measures if you don't want a legal case against you. Such cases can end up being very expensive to deal with and might even affect your brand's reputation.