How to Make Unsafe Doors More Secure? Install Door Finger Protection!

How often do you think of a door as a major threat to someone’s safety? Can it even be a cause of severe injuries? Several reports suggest that one of the most critical determinants of finger injuries and amputations, in both kids and adults is door-related. Finger pinch injuries are so common, but we hardly do much about them. However, in heavily trafficked places, the issue must be addressed, especially in commercial facilities like daycare, schools, and offices.

No matter you are a homeowner or a businessperson, take the proactive approach and install door hinge protectors on all the doors in your property. It does not take much effort or time to compromise one’s safety – just a momentary lapse of judgment or a misplaced finger, and it can cause significant harm. Therefore, having simple equipment such as a door finger guard saves lives and the discomforts associated with injuries.

Five crucial elements make door finger protection a must to consider. These are:


Door hinge protectors are designed to prevent doors from closing or sliding abruptly, which can otherwise lead to sudden and excruciating injuries. These also safeguard you from trapping your fingers on the hinge side of the door, avoiding shock, pain, or amputation in critical cases. But it is also safe to mention that although door hinge protectors are said to be the best preventive measures anyone can deploy, these cannot substitute supervision and attentiveness.


If you think you will have to spend a fortune on these gears, let us bust the myth. Your door finger protection does not burn a hole in the pocket. These are budget-friendly yet high in quality and very much serve the purpose. You can easily find inexpensive products suitable for all kinds of doors – traditional and modern.


These are ideal for different kinds of properties. Door hinge protectors can be employed in homes, apartment buildings, restaurants, childcare facilities, schools, churches, offices, universities, and hospitals. These very much avoid unfortunate incidents even before they happen.

Legal Liability

Another vital aspect behind trapping injuries is medical attention and expense. When someone runs into a finger entrapment injury and does not receive medical aid in time, the damage may result in severe circumstances. Moreover, the bills are an added burden. So, insurance companies and state policies require commercial establishments, in particular, to have such precautionary measures in place to decide who pays the bills.


Besides the functional benefits of door hinge protectors, these also suit the aesthetics of the property. There is a variety out there that matches the door’s construction, material, surrounding décor, colours, and more. Door finger protection does not have to come at the cost of your furnishings. Hinge guards have a clean and uniform look to offer visual appeal while guarding you against low and high-risk doors.

All these reasons make it necessary for you to pay attention to your door finger protection measures. Installation of door hinge protectors is also easy, but it is always recommended to call a professional. So avoid entrapment-related pain and suffering and get your hinge guards installed right away!