Top Safety Practices All Schools Must Adopt.

All children are sensitive and the apple of their parent's eyes. Ideally, parents leave no stone unturned to ensure their children's overall safety and well-being. They want everything best for their kids, be it their friends, clothes, school, or other things. However, once your child reaches school, you will have no idea what they are doing.

Your children tend to spend the most time in school than anywhere else. So it becomes critical for school authorities, teachers, and parents to ensure their safety in the best possible wake. If you are a school owner or manager, you must ensure that every student within your vicinity is safe. Let us look at a few critical guidelines schools can follow to ensure the safety of their students.

Door Hinge Protectors

Believe it or not, doors tend to cause hundreds of finger entrapment injuries throughout the year. These injuries are most common amongst children and occur due to getting their fingers stuck between the door and frame.

If you wish to avoid such accidents in your school, we suggest you install door finger guards for schools. These finger guards help you cover the entire gap between the door and its frame from the hinge side, preventing any tiny fingers from entering and getting stuck between the gap.

PVC Curtains

All schools and educational institutions must also consider installing free flow PVC curtains in high-traffic areas. Doors are infamous for causing accidents in schools and colleges. However, you can quickly mitigate this issue by installing a PVC curtain instead of a door in all high-traffic areas. PVC curtains are excellent at maintaining temperature and preventing pollutants from getting inside without causing any inconvenience. You can even walk right through them without getting hurt.

As the manager or owner, it's your responsibility to ensure your school is a safe place for kids. Despite the overall level of protection door finger guards offer, we suggest you use PVC curtains for hallway entrances and other areas to provide safer accessibility for kids and faculty members.