The Alarming Truth About Door-Related Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Nothing hurts as much as being small and having your hands or fingers stuck in the hinge area when a door closes. It is an excruciating injury which might force you to rush your baby to the nearest emergency room. However, installing a high-quality door hinge protector can easily avoid this tragedy.

Door finger guards for schools and homes are the perfect tool to help you keep your doors from accidentally pinching tiny fingers.

Door-Related Finger Injuries Are More Severe Than You Think!

All kids under five are particularly prone to jammed finger injuries. Kids get their fingers jammed in doors on either the hinge or the opening side. Whenever this happens, it could result in fractured, ruptured, crushed, or even amputated fingers.

The hinge side of the door generally results in the worst injuries, especially for younger kids. Older children hurt themselves more from the door's opening (handle) side.

You can easily prevent these injuries by installing devices like door hinge protectors and door stoppers.

Door Hinge Protectors Can Help!

Door hinge protectors offer you the best solution to prevent such injuries. They are long, flexible strips installed along your door's hinge side. They help stop small hands and fingers from accessing the hinge side of a door.

The best part about these door hinge guards is that they will not affect the appearance of your property or hinder its aesthetics. Door hinge guards come in several colours, making it easy to find one that best fits your home or school aesthetics.

Moreover, unlike most other products, you will not need professional help installing these guards. Most door finger guards are easy to install and don't require drilling holes in your door's frame. They will also not change how your door works!

You can easily learn more about these products at your nearest child safety centre or local hardware shop. However, we suggest you also consider checking out the top door hinge guard providers online to learn more about how these tools work and why you should install them in your home or commercial property.

To prevent finger injuries on the handle side of the door, you can consider using inexpensive and simple door guards. These are soft, u-shaped, flexible foam pieces that can easily clip onto the side or top edge of the door and prevent it from fully closing.

Teach Your Kids About Door Safety.

Another way you can prevent such injuries on your property is by teaching your kids not to play around doors. The best way to do this is by asking your kids to do a little experiment. Place one pencil on the hinge and handle side of the door and close the door shut.

The damage done to those pencils should be enough warning for your kids to understand how serious such injuries can get. Remember, a closing door can exert a total pressure of 40 tons, which is enough to cause a lot of damage to a child's small hands and fingers.

As long as you teach your kids not to play around doors and install door safety products around your vicinity, you can easily ensure you don't have to rush your kids to the hospital after a severe door-related injury.