How to keep your children safe from door-related injuries?

How common would you think children’s finger injuries are? If you said very common, you are in luck. On an average, more than 300,000 infants suffer door-related injuries every year. A good majority of these injuries are an immediate result of their fingers being caught between the doors. Fingers jammed within doors and hinges often bring about severe injuries and can even end up with crushed, fractured or amputated fingers.

What is the right course of action to childproof the doors?

When your baby is growing up, you will need to sit back and think about the far-reaching array of all exciting objects that will soon come within their reach. This is when child door safety products become imperative. They are one of the most efficient ways to help you ensure your child’s safety.

Door hinges are extremely hazardous for infants and must be one of the first safety issues that need to be addressed. Just as risky as they are, doors can be equally provocative for children. Children like to have fun and explore, and opening/closing of doorways can be an invitation for them. So many parents neglect to follow their kids’ fascination with objects in motion and fail to settle in place the easiest of solutions — door finger guards. Products such as finger guards can be installed wherever your kids are likely to come in contact with hinged doors or openings.

While door finger guards will not, in any way, dwindle the appeal of the doorways, they will still render extraordinary levels of safety. Not to mention, door finger guards are quick and easy to install, with no professional or even tools or screws required. Also, these guards blend into the doorway so they will not be an eyesore. They do not inhibit the normal functioning of the entrances either.

You can also ask for door hinges guards to be installed at your kid’s nursery, care centre or school. Door finger guards for school will make the classroom a haven for your children so that you can focus on other important stuff without constantly worrying about your children’s safety.

So, if you are looking for an easy and convenient way to ensure your children safety now that your child has started to reach, open and close doors, nothing can be a more practical option than door finger guards. They are effective, hassle-free and discreet, and make sure that your baby is safe and sound, even if you are not in the same room all the time.