Door Hinge Guards: Do You Need These?

In the United Kingdoms, it’s an established practice to install high-quality door guards, especially where kids, pets, or vulnerable adults may be using the premises. Be it at home, school, commercial buildings, retail stores, etc., finger guards prove useful.

But what necessitates the need for having such door finger protection in your property? In fact, is it even compulsory to have these in the first place?

How to Door Guards Prevent Accidents?

Understand it in this manner – whenever a door closes right into its frame, there are areas such as the latch or hinge cavity where you may trap your fingers and hurt them severely.

Entrapment can cause lifelong injuries if the door is slammed brutally, but it can also lead to minor bruising or swelling if the force isn’t much. In either case, you may require emergency medical assistance to gauge the level of your injuries, spending on medications or wound care, and follow-ups. The discomfort is excruciating, the consequences are stressful, and it takes days for the victim to heal completely.

So when professional-grade guards are installed on high-risk doors, this help reduces the hazard of entrapment injuries. Although the threat isn’t eliminated entirely, and you may still need to stay vigilant, but the threat is definitely diminished.

Door hinge protectors are made of heavy-duty materials that are durable and serve the purpose well. These are pressed into the folds when a door shuts and covers the gaps when the door’s open. Most commonly, these are affixed over hinge cavities but can also be installed on the pin side.

Thus, many local authorities in the UK insist on having door protection measures in place, especially at crèches, nurseries, indoor play areas, schools, grocery stores, and hospitals, so the vulnerabilities can be prevented. Besides, one must inform everyone around the dangers of doors and how not to put their hands/ fingers on the hinge sides particularly.


Considering to install door guards may first seem quite intimidating, but it’s an absolute necessity to make the environment safe for kids and adults alike. Plus, it saves establishments from exorbitant liabilities. So it’s a good idea to secure the space with affordable, superior, and durable door hinge guards!