The Ultimate Guide to Creating Secure School Environments: Door Safety Edition

Whenever we talk about accidents in schools, we often think about a minor slip and fall injury. However, did you know thousands of kids are rushed to an emergency room each year due to door-related injuries?

Kids, especially those under four, tend to suffer most door-related injuries that result in ligament ruptures, fractures, crushed fingers, and could even lead to amputation. However, like most other hazards young kids face daily in school, door-related injuries can also be prevented easily.

You can easily find various inexpensive and highly effective products, like door finger guards for schools, to help you prevent devastating injuries and claims.

How Dangerous Can Doors Be?

It is no secret that most school owners and authorities want to keep all children safe and away from injuries. An automatic door closer that helps you slow down slamming doors can easily prevent injuries towards the handle side of the door. However, most severe door-related injuries tend to occur from the hinge side of the door. As a door close, the total pressure exerted can go as far as 40 tons per square inch!

This pressure level is more than enough to injure children's delicate hands and fingers seriously. In addition to rushing kids to the hospital after an accident in school, you must remember that such injuries could lead to severe consequences, especially if the parents decide to pursue a court case against your institution.

Top Ways To Prevent Door-Related Accidents At School!

The best way to prevent injuries or accidents in schools, especially from doors and windows, is by ensuring you take all the necessary precautions. Let us look at some simple arrangements that can help you ensure you are doing your best to prevent such incidents from occurring in your vicinity.

Always Address Spills Immediately: Whenever there is a spill of grease, liquids, or anything else, you need to clean it up as soon as possible to avoid any potential falls near a doorway.

Consider Using PVC: PVC curtains are a fantastic alternative to doors that help you maintain the indoor temperature while allowing free traffic flow. PVC is also great at preventing collisions since they are mostly transparent.

Install Door Stoppers: Door stoppers can help you prevent doors from closing unexpectedly. You can use rubber or wooden door stops to avoid banging school doors.

Install Door Hinge Protectors: A door hinge guard can help you cover the gap between the door and its frame, preventing small hands from getting stuck between a closing door.

In addition, you should teach all kids about the importance of door safety and how they should always be cautious around doors. Jammed finger injuries sometimes involve two children. When playing with each other, they could accidentally close the door on each other and get their fingers jammed in the process. Therefore, you should teach them how dangerous doors can be!

You can try a simple experiment to help children understand the importance of being careful around doors and windows. Place a pencil between a door and its frame and then close it. You'll see that the pencil easily breaks. This easy experiment shows kids why being cautious around doors and windows is essential.