The dangers of not installing finger guards

You can find several door safety products to help you prevent any door related injuries amongst children and adults alike. The primary purpose of these door finger protectors is to eliminate any risk of finger entrapment injuries, especially from the hinge side of the door. Nevertheless, you need to highlight all areas that need to be considered as a threat to children if you wish to make your home or establishment safe for young ones.

What's more, these door finger protectors don't usually require the need for you to hire a professional installation expert. These easy to install door finger protectors can help you eliminate several risks.

Medical facts

A thoughtless moment, a gust of wind, or a playtime prank can end up causing a severe finger entrapment injury without a moment's notice. Statistics show more than 500 hospital admissions each year on an average for intense finger and hand injuries caused by doors in the UK. More than half of these admissions are under nine, with almost 50% suffering traumatic amputation or severe fractures. All the dangers associated with a finger entrapment injury should be dealt with seriously since it will affect young children in daycare centres or schools and the disabled and elderly who are particularly vulnerable to such issues.

How can you prevent these accidents?

Fortunately, an affordable solution can help you proactively mitigate any risk of such injuries from occurring. Door finger protectors are an easy yet robust way to prevent fingers from entering the dangerous gap between the door and its frame.

How do they work?

A good quality door hinge finger protector protects any finger entering the hinge side of a door. Their unique design ensures you have all the security you need without drilling any nails or screws. It means that there is no damage to the door or its frame. Nevertheless, if required, you can use additional screw fixings to make it a permanent solution in your vicinity. Look for a brand of door finger protectors that has a reputation for durability as well as extreme versatility. You can find numerous devices that fit all types of doors, including:

  • Pivot hinge

  • Glass

  • UPVC

  • Fire exits with push bars

  • Bifold doors

  • Flag hinge

The design of such door finger protectors provides its users with an unobstructed and inconspicuous safety. Moreover, when you have these door finger protectors installed, it will not add to any resistance or restrict the regular operation of your door in any way.

Whether you wish to purchase door finger protectors for your commercial or residential property, you can keep your fingers away from any significant injuries effortlessly. It is time for you to stop such damages from occurring. If you are a commercial property owner, then a door hinge protector will not only help you prevent an emergency trip to the doctor but can also prevent you from any legal action parents might take against your institution.

So what are you waiting for? If you wish to prevent such injuries on your premises, you need to install a door safety guard right away.