Common Hand Injuries and How You Can Avoid Them

Hand, wrist, and finger injuries are prevalent at every place. These three parts of the body help you perform incredible tasks each day, yet you tend to take them for granted. Statistics reveal that your hands are the second most commonly injured body part at work besides school, home, and elsewhere. The injuries are painful, incur substantial medical costs, reduce hand strength, and include missed days and follow-up hospital visits.


Injuries may be common, but the problem lies in not paying attention to what can possibly happen. Besides, when you’re injured, you delay the treatment, and this eventually results in long-term problems or disabilities. Some of the most common hand, finger, and wrist injuries may include the following:

  • Accidental falls

  • Work-related injuries

  • Sports or recreational activities

  • Fistfights

  • Dislocation

  • Overuse injuries

  • Severed fingertips

  • Door entrapment

  • Bruises and lacerations

  • Crushing injuries

  • Strains, sprains, and fractures

  • Injuries to tendons, ligaments, and joints


Prevention must always be the goal in every setting, so you can avoid injuries before they happen in the first place. Thus, here are a few tips that’ll come in handy:

  • Avoid distractions when around doors or using possibly dangerous tools

  • Be careful while walking, especially on wet or rutted floors

  • Do not try and break your fall with your hands

  • Don’t intentionally hit harder surfaces in frustration or anger

  • Be cautious around lawn equipment

  • Cook or bake with care to avoid cuts, burns, scraping, and other injuries

  • Use heavy-duty, durable door hinge finger guards to prevent entrapment wounds

  • Before sports or work shifts, include a warm-up routine to improve your hand’s flexibility


Creating a safer environment isn’t rocket science. You can install hinge finger guards on high-risk doors, keep first aid handy, and stay a little more watchful with the things you do. The solution is simple – get a barrier between your hands and the work in your hands. Visit a medical practitioner the moment you encounter an injury for better assistance. Besides, emphasize hand safety and cultivate a positive attitude, so no one’s cutting corners.