Top Back-To-School Injuries That You Can Prevent!

We all know that children can be pretty unpredictable. It is especially true if something exciting is about to happen, like returning to school after summer vacations. It is easy to see that this is an exciting time for most kids since they meet friends they might not have seen in a while and will sit in their favorite classes and other school activities.

However, in all that excitement, a child may face an unexpected injury at any given time. As adults who cannot watch over the kids all the time, we may only see a few common contributing factors to these bruises, scrapes, and bumps. Most of us don't even remember what it felt like to go back to school. The fact is, even the quietest child may behave excitably and dangerously when they get back to school after a break. Since kids can't think ahead about the consequences when running across the playground, they are at a high risk of small and significant injuries.

Most of us don't give much thought to this subject unless something happens and we rush to the hospital for stitches. However, if you know the most common kinds of back-to-school injuries, you can safely prevent them from occurring in your vicinity.

Hand And Finger-Related Injuries

Doors (specifically the hinge side) are one of the biggest concerns regarding finger-related injuries. There are thousands of kids that are sent to emergency rooms each year as a result of hand or finger injuries. If you wish to prevent such injuries in your school, you can always choose to install door hinge protectors on all high-traffic doors. These guards can help you avoid any hands or fingers from accessing the gap between the door and its frame.

Head Injuries

Though the head houses the most critical organ in our body, it's pretty delicate under certain conditions and circumstances. A mere collision with another student can be dangerous if their heads bang together. A blunt force trauma, like an accidental slip from the slide, can result in a concussion and even a severe brain injury. Free-flow PVC curtains can help prevent such collisions since they help increase the overall visibility of the other side.

Ankle Injuries

We have all had to deal with a sprained or twisted ankle at one point. It's a remarkably easy injury to occur. Running across uneven surfaces, like uneven carpet flooring, or around loose wires may result in a sprained ankle. Though they may seem small, these injuries can result in muscle tearing, ligament rupture, and even fractures. As the school owner, you must ensure all common areas are dry, all carpets are tight and even, and all wires are correctly secure to ensure no ankle-related injuries on your property.

Remember, a legal battle will cost your school a lot of time, money, and resources to manage. It would help if you took measures now to avoid such issues later. As long as you keep all these things in check, you can easily prevent any severe injuries in your school and skip any expensive legal battle.