Critical practices all child care centres need to adapt.

Health, nutrition, and safety in early childhood are of the utmost importance, especially when running a premium childcare centre.

Even though safety and health may seem like two essential elements that childcare facilities may have, these factors can easily be overlooked or neglected.

Whether you are a daycare centre operator, or a parent looking for the perfect child care centre for your children, safety and health should be your top priority.

Numerous insurance companies also ask people to install security measures such as door finger guards for schools, daycare centres, hospitals, and other public places prone to children.

Let's take a look at a few things that you need to consider when hosting children as guests:


The clean and tidy child care centre will give prospective clients an excellent first impression. It will also create a great living environment for both the children and the staff; Clean all surfaces to prevent any illness from spreading, which tends to be shared amongst young children.

Achieving a clean space often boils down to a consistent routine. Make sure that the environment is disinfected and tidy on a regular. Let us look at a few supplies that can be useful to have in handy.

  • Water and hydrogen peroxide mixture

  • Hand sanitiser

  • Lysol wipes

It is always helpful to encourage children and staff to wash their hands to prevent germs from spreading frequently.

Keep in mind that employees who help prepare snacks and meals should be professionally certified for food handling.

Health and safety

Safety extends to all aspects of a child care centre and its day-to-day functioning, and it should always be at the forefront of all other priorities.

From the placement of craft-making materials and desks to installing door finger protectors on all high traffic doors, you need to pay keen attention to all potential safety hazards.

If you wish to keep your classroom clean, you can ask your staff to incorporate tidying into the daily routine with all the children and fit in some time to clean up after each activity.

It will reduce the overall work for your staff and teach the children some good habits that will carry on into their future.

First aid is critical.

Unfortunately, children tend to get hurt in a classroom now and then. All professional preschool teachers and staff need to have first aid training to help deal with these situations if required.

You, as the property manager or owner, need to ensure that there is always a first-aid kit accessible in case of an emergency.

You also need to keep these first aid kits updated and checked for expired products and immediately restock.

Remember to bring along a travel first aid kit since it is always better to be overprepared for young children.

Even though your state may outline a few standards for safety and health, you need to remember that these are the minimum requirements.

The best child care centre should aim to exceed these standards to offer an ideal learning environment for your young ones.