The Hidden Dangers of Doors in Your Home

As soon as we enter a building, we expect to be out of harm's way. However, that is only sometimes the case. One of the most common ways individuals get injured in buildings is via defective entrances or doors. While these injuries may seem funny to hear, they can have severe and even life-altering results that could happen to anyone at any time. 

If you have ever suffered a door injury, you might already know how painful such injuries can be. The best way to prevent such injuries in your home is to install door finger protection on all high-traffic doors on your property. 

How Do Doors Cause Injuries?

Both kids and adults can be brought to tears when the shock and pain of getting their hands or fingers stuck between a closing door. Most of these accidents tend to occur from the hinge side of the door. Fire doors fitted with self-closing mechanisms are among the worst culprits of such injuries. The best way to avoid these injuries is to install door hinge finger guards. The design of these transparent finger guards can prevent any hands or fingers from accessing the space between the door and its frame, thus reducing the risks of injuries. 

Consequences Of Door-Related Injuries 

Doors can do some severe damage to you and your loved ones. Some of the most common injuries include: 

Broken Bones And Fractures: If you get caught in between a closing door, you can suffer severe injuries like broken bones and fractures. 

Dislocations: If a self-closing door suddenly closes on someone, it could result in a trip and fall. If you lose your balance and fall, you may have to deal with a dislocated shoulder, hip, etc. 

Head Injuries: If your door is not correctly secured and falls off its hinges, it can hit someone in the head and cause severe concussion or other head injuries. 

Crushed Fingers: Automatic closing doors can be hazardous since they could close on someone's hands or fingers, discouraging them from either the hinge or opening side of the door. 


If your hands or fingers get severely injured from a door-related injury, it could also result in amputation, a life-altering injury! As the property owner, you must take all the steps required to prevent such injuries on your property.