Importance of door safety in a commercial environment

Your workplace is not risk-free; it is fraught with danger. Workplace related accidents are not few and far between; people suffer minor wounds or get badly injured at work on a regular basis. Fire, electricity, and asbestos are all culprits but there is one more delinquent that often gets overlooked: Doors. The hinge side of doors can badly hurt fingers.

But how are doors unsafe, you ask? For one, you can get your fingers caught in the middle of the door and its frame by accident. For the most part, it would only result in minor cuts and bruises; in some rare cases, however, you may get your fingers crushed, fractured and even amputated! Luckily for you, there is a way to prevent your fingers from being trapped between the hinges of the door.

Door safety products

Since the hinge side of the door is more open to risk than the handle side of the door, that is where the first line of defence – door finger guards – should be at. These guards are unobtrusive to a great extent and they can be easily put in place and taken out as well. In addition to that, they do not make changes to the functionality of the doors. For that reason, you should definitely make it a point to ask your management about putting such preventive measures in place at your workplace to ensure a safe working environment. Anti-door slam device is another safety product that helps in avoiding finger trap injuries as it puts a stop to doors from slamming shut abruptly.

Needless to say, there are other things that need to be done in addition to setting up door finger guards to help prevent your fingers or hands from accidentally getting trapped at the hinge side of the doors, such as:

· Make sure your hands and fingers are completely out of the door’s way before opening and closing doors.

· Make sure that nobody else’s finger is in the way before closing the doors.

· Do not fool around with doors.

More and more people are being given emergency medical help for finger trap injuries caused by doors every year. Suffering fractures or a traumatic amputation is definitely not something you will be prepared for. So, ask your company managers or your department's head to install door safety products at every door. These products are easily available online and are rather inexpensive as well.