How to prevent door-related finger injuries?

The statistics for door-related finger injuries per year that are treated at emergency medical centres are alarming, to say the least. Not to mention there is often liability associated with these injuries. Owners of many types of buildings inclusive of day care centres, restaurants, schools, workplaces, and many other establishments are wide open to this liability.

Door-related finger injuries can take place on both sides of the door — the handle side and the hinge side. The handle side injuries are more common but are less severe. On the contrary, hinge side injuries are few and far between but more catastrophic as there is a greater force involved on the hinge side when a door is closed.

Fortunately, these accidents can be easily prevented with door safety products. Providing protection on the handle side of the door is really simple. All you need to do is to put in place a safety guard to stop the door from closing all of a sudden. Providing protection on the hinge side, on the other hand, takes a little more effort.

Regardless of the fact that plastic finger guards have been used to cover the area between the hinge side of the door and the frame in the past, they stand in need of a significant amount of skill and time for a proper installation. Not to mention, these guards are very stiff. This means that they typically have a preferred position — causing the door to only open or close when that position is achieved. That being the case, the user may need to resort to a doorstopper as well in order to achieve and maintain a desired door position.

That being said, more advanced door finger guards have no such issues. For the most part, they are very flexible and their flexibility allows them to reach and keep any position without bearing up under too much stress. This means that they do not have a preferred position and can be left open, closed or anywhere in between without the need for a doorstopper. This also means that they can be installed easily — without screws or adhesive and can also be removed if and when desired.

Resorting to the right door safety devices will considerably minimize or eliminate a serious risk. These devices are not costly and can prevent terrible and permanent injuries. In the area of door safety, an ounce of prevention can avoid tons of suffering and affliction.