The Importance of Designing Door Safety in Schools

At school, children are protected against diseases, taught not to talk to strangers and given hygiene education. But, in case of building safety most schools overlook to door safety, resulting in traumatic and even expensive finger trapping injuries. That’s why as a school owner, you should take the same preventive approach in designing its building as prevention is better than cure.

When it comes to the school’s building safety, door safeguards play a vital role. Keep in mind that you should make it a fundamental part of design. Attempting to adhere to ever-changing safety regulations retroactively can be difficult, annoying, and even expensive. So, why not protectively use door finger guards for school design and be secure in both terms of safety and legislation?

Finger trapping accidents

About thirty thousand children trap their fingers between doors’ hinges and frames each year. Children (under the age of 8) are most at the risk of these injuries. This means the places where children interact with doors on regular basis measures to prevent such incidents are incredibly valuable. Schools are most at the risk of these traumatic incidents.

These are also area that highlights the significance of intelligent security design that caters to the buildings and their visitors; not merely to the agreement of health and safety regulations. While there are no specific regulations and laws that states door safety guards are compulsory, the consequences of ignoring them can be substantial. Over the last five years, UK schools have paid out £97,561 in compensation due to finger-related injuries.

Failing to install hinge finger protector on their doors can lead to a serious, yet entirely avoidable incident. The charity that runs a primary school in Bolton was taken to the court when a nine years old boy lost his finger after getting it trapped in an unprotected doorway. The charity had failed to install the necessary safety products by the time the school opened in September 2012 by having identified the need for door safeguards. For such cases, compensation pay-outs reach up to £7,000 and no need to mention that it can be lifelong problems for children.

Door hinge finger protector devices are available in the market at a reasonable price. And when you install them into your doors, they not only protect finger trapping accidents from occurring but also defend you from any resulting compensation claim. That’s why the prevention cost pales in comparison to the price o doing nothing.

When you consider these issues while at the design stage, it allows you for safety measures to be customised to the children each school needs to cater to. According to a study, younger children or toddlers are more likely to trap their fingers on the door’s hinge side. So, if designing for a primary school, it may be better to opt for a hinge finger protection device. Besides this, you can install an anti-door slam device to prevent injury on the handle side of doors of your schools.

Whether you want to design a new building or renovate an old one, door safety is an essential part of design. Considering it at an early stage is vital if you want to best ensure the well-being of a school’s staff and students.