Essential Childproofing Products You Can't Do Without

Once your baby starts to crawl, it's time you ensure your house is safe for their exploration. Childproofing your home is vital since you cannot always keep your children under adult supervision. Not sure where to start? Well, you have reached the right place!

Today, we will present our pick for the top four childproofing products that all parents must consider getting for their homes. From baby monitors to door finger protection, here is what you need!

Baby Monitor

Once you have a child in the house, you need eyes in the back of your head – and a camera when your head is not around. You can easily find a baby monitor online that offers clear HD picture quality during the day and at night. These cameras also come with motion sensors that tell you if your baby is wandering or wriggling a little. With this surveillance system, you can easily ensure your child is safe and secure, even when you are out doing laundry.

Door Hinge Guards

While this might shock you, door injuries also account for a significant number of child emergency visits every year. While the handle side of the door can also pose a threat, the hinge side is hazardous. The hinge is the small space between the door and its frame. If your hand or finger gets stuck in between the hinge of a closing door, it could result in a severe injury that could even lead to amputation. The best way to prevent these accidents is by installing door hinge finger guards on your property! These guards come in different sizes and are effortless to install!

Cord Holders And Power Socket Covers

Young kids are easily attracted to distinct objects that have different shapes or colours. Power sockets and electric cords can quickly catch their attention, so keep them away from your children. Use high-quality cord holders to organise your electric cables better to prevent tripping hazards. You can also find power socket covers that help prevent shocks if a child tries to put their fingers inside an open socket.

Window Locks And Safety Gates

Once your child learns how to toddle around, they will soon stand exploring their environment and get into all kinds of trouble. Falls may become a common incident if you don't act quickly. Ensure you secure all doors and windows to prevent severe falls. If your home has a staircase, consider installing a baby gate to prevent kids from accessing stairs without supervision.

Most of these products are very easy to find online and don't require professional help for installation.