Child proofing tips you should know about

Young children tend to have an endless supply of energy. All parents know what it is like to chase their children around the house. Since kids are always on the move, it is nearly impossible for you to keep your eyes on them the entire time.

This is why you must childproof your whole house. Below you will find top tips to help you childproof your house so that your kids play safe and you have peace of mind.

Child-friendly door hinge protector

The top tip to help you childproof your home is to install a door hinge protector. There are numerous horror stories about children getting their fingers caught in the door. There are multiple reports of children getting their fingers pinched each year.

Even though slamming a door might look hopeless at first glance, if you get your finger trapped between the hinge, it can mean a lot of suffering. Be sure to get a door finger protector installed as soon as possible.

Curtains are also something that parents need to avoid. Curtains tend to hang low to the ground, allowing children to crawl up to them and get tangled accidentally.

Shutters and blinds are more kid-friendly alternatives that you could look into. Kids will be unable to reach the shutters and blinds as easily as they can reach a curtain. If the control string on the shutters or blinds is high enough, it's a safer option.

You can never get too many baby-gates

We believe that baby gates are godsent to help exhausted babysitters and parents. It would be in your best interest to have a baby gate installed at every staircase or landing you think your kid may have access to.

If you don't want to prevent your child from entering a specific room, you can put a baby gate so that they can't get in without help. You will have a newfound mental peace after knowing that your kid cannot fall off the stairs by accident.

Cover everything

All children are curious. They are always trying to figure out how everything around them works. Since they tend to be so interested, children often stick their noses into everything they can. Even though this may satisfy their curiosity, they may also end up getting hurt.

One easy way you can avoid such hazardous accidents is by actively closing and covering everything. Make sure you never leave anything unsafe out and about or open when a child is around.

Cover all accessible electrical outlets in your home if your child decides to jam a fork into one. The more secure things are around the house, the less likely your kid will get into trouble.

Keep things out of reach

Both parents and babysitters need to ensure that they use their height as an advantage. If a child reaches for something, they will try to mess with it a bit. Pro tip: keep everything out of reach. Do not leave any sharp objects like scissors or knives lying around the house.

This applies to even medicine. Even though many medications now come in a childproof bottle, you should always go the extra mile to ensure they can't get anything that may harm them.