Make sure your little one is safe and protected at daycares

The terrible feeling of brief separation aside, taking your child to a day care for the first time can also be an overwhelming experience because you have to pin your faith on another person and an unfamiliar environment with your baby’s safety and care. Be that as it may, you will be glad to know that there are many ways you can ensure your precious little one is in good hands. Just as you have made your home safe for your little one, your child’s day care should also be safe for kids.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) states that more than thirty thousand young children experience door-related finger accidents in and around the homes and schools every year, most of which always end up in emergency units. That is an unsettling figure. But why are such accidents so common? Well, young children discover the world around them with their hands, by touching. Their little fingers can fit in the smallest of space, which puts them at a more considerable risk of door-related finger injuries than adults. One of the most common door-related finger injuries is finger trap – where the fingers get caught between a door and its frame. With this in mind, you can start with a few trial visits and make sure that the setting your baby is going to be in has door finger guards fitted for improved child safety.

What about falling injuries, though?

Trips, falls and bumped heads are more commonplace than you would like to believe. As a matter of fact, falls alone are responsible for approximately forty-five percent of all children’s accidents. As a parent, there is not a lot you can do to prevent your young child from falling – but you can certainly ensure that your baby does not get hurt from a fall on a corner, whether that is a sharp wall edge or a piece of furniture. You can do this by making sure the daycares have corner guards installed.

You cannot keep your baby wrapped in cotton wool at all times, but you can protect him/her by increasing and improving the safety elements of your home and ensuring all the safety elements (including door hinge guards and corner guards) in your child’s daycares are well in place as well.