Why Should You Prevent Door-Related Finger Injuries?

When you get injured by a door, there are three main elements to your injury:

  • The actual shock and pain associated with such an injury, with the worst-case scenario being amputation.

  • Immediate medical attention to ensure you take the best care of your injury.

  • Legal liabilities associated with door-related injuries for those who pay the medical bills.

Door-Related Injuries Are Common.

Studies show that door-related finger entrapment injuries are common, especially in hot-spot areas for children. Moreover, we have noticed that thousands of children suffer door-related injuries each year in the UK.

Such injuries often lead to expensive medical bills and even amputation in a few rare cases. Therefore, whether you are a facility owner or a parent, you need to install door finger guards for schools and homes to prevent any such accidents in your vicinity.

Door Hinge Protectors Can Help.

Children and disabled adults are prone to door entrapment injuries since they are not too good at reacting quickly enough to move their hands or fingers out of harm’s way. A door hinge protector is a device that’s designed to reduce the overall risk of a finger entrapment injury from the hinge side of the door. In high traffic doorways, you can also choose to install PVC curtains since they can also help you prevent any accidents.

All places that host children as visitors need to take measures to protect them from any associated legal action by installing a commercial door hinge protector. As you can see, there are several different advantages of installing door safety guards on your property. If you wish to avoid rushing to the hospital or don’t want to deal with a legal case, we suggest you contact a professional and install door finger guards throughout your property! They can tell you more about what door finger guards are and how can they help you!