The safety of your children should always be your priority!

Children that are under the age of five are often particularly prone to getting injuries from doors. Whenever a young one gets their fingers or hands jammed in between the door and its frame, it may result in a severe fracture, crushed, or may even require amputation.

The hinge side of the door is more likely to be the culprit of causing the most complicated injuries, not just to children but also adults. Though you may think that these injuries are not a big deal, they could still require you to rush to the hospital. Sometimes these accidents may also leave a mental scar on the children.

Finger guards for doors

Almost all door accidents tend to happen towards the hinge side rather than the opening side of a door. Finger guards for doors can help you, and your loved ones stay clear of any injuries from the door without having to think about it.

They are long flexible strips that need to be installed along the hinge side of a door. You don't even have to call a professional since these guards are effortless to install.

Finger guards for doors can prevent people of all ages from sticking their fingers in between the hinge, helping you avoid any significant injury.

Most finger guards do not even affect the look and feel of your commercial or residential property and can be installed without having a knack for DIY projects. Not only do they look good, but they do not interrupt the functioning of your door as well.

The chances are that you may have already noticed these door finger protection guards installed in numerous places, such as your child's school or at a daycare centre. This is because a school's manager or headteacher needs to ensure no mishaps within the premises. You may find these finger guards installed in all high-risk doors like toilet entrances and classrooms.

Slamming doors are a threat!

Whether you wish to let some fresh air into the room or your children are excited to go out and play, a door can slam shut without warning, causing your children a severe injury. Unfortunately, most businesses and homeowners tend to either forget or ignore that an open door requires some protection to prevent them from hurting someone.

Slamming doors and windows are not just scary and loud for children, but they are also a threat to you and your family. Having a door finger guard installed can help you prevent fingers from getting crushed between the door and its frame.

Deep cuts, smashed fingers, torn ligaments and severe bruising are no fun at all. But these injuries can be avoided easily by getting door finger guards installed today!

As an adult, you may be able to prevent such accidents from happening inside your home. However, children, especially in daycare facilities and schools, put their hands in all types of compromising areas that may cause harm beyond imagination.

No parent wants their child to have a traumatic experience as a result of a smashed finger. So act for your and your family's safety today.