What Are PVC Curtains, And How Do They Work?

If you have ever worked in a factory, warehouse, or kitchen, you may have already seen PVC curtains in the wild. However, if you have not worked in such places, you may have seen PVC strips in other areas, like walk-in freezers in grocery stores, bar entrances or restaurants, or several different locations.

Free flow PVC curtains are often used in several settings since they offer you a wide range of benefits. If you are not sure if you should install free flow PVC curtains in your place of work or business, we are here to help.

How Do PVC Curtains Work, And Where Should You Use Them?

Free flow PVC curtains are ideally used to create a separation between two areas. Where those areas are different departments of a cold storage area, warehouse, or inside and outside, PVC curtains give you the advantage of having a door's efficiency with the added convenience of not closing or opening it throughout the day.

PVC curtains are often used at loading docks to help prevent any conditioned air from escaping, which can help you manage your overall utility costs and keep debris from getting inside. They can also be used in factories or warehouses to separate different work areas. Moreover, they offer you a lot of conveniences since machinery like forklifts doesn't have to physically open a door or a gate to access other areas in your workplace. Some common facilities where you are most likely to find free flow PVC curtains include:

  • Shipping plants

  • Factories

  • Food processing plants

  • Grocery storage rooms

  • Restaurant

  • Auto body shops

Advantages Of Free Flow PVC Curtains

Besides all the convenience PVC curtains offer, they can also help you save energy. Whether you wish to keep warm air or cool air inside, PVC curtains do a fantastic job of preventing any conditioned air from escaping. It helps your business save money since you can raise or lower the temperature while not losing air to leakage. These curtains are also perfect for helping you separate working areas that may cause contamination.

For example, in an auto body shop, PVC curtains can help keep out fumes, dust, noise, and several other elements, making it a better working environment for all your workers. Moreover, you can even mitigate any chances of a door related injury by installing PVC curtains. There are a few hundred cases of finger entrapment injuries every year. Though you can install a door hinge protector to help you prevent any injuries from the hinge side of the door, PVC curtains will help you eliminate all types of injuries.

PVC curtains also make it easier to navigate the workplace. When machines like forklifts have to halt at doorways to wait for them to open, you lose time, and though it may only be a few seconds, it can quickly add up. All in all, investing in PVC curtains will give you several critical advantages that will help you boost productivity and help you cut down on your monthly business expenses.