Common Warehouse Accidents That You Can Avoid!

It doesn't matter how much automation technology you have; a warehouse is only helpful with employees. Dedication to keeping all your employees safe and free from injuries is the key to managing a successful and productive warehouse.

Today we will look at some accidents you must plan for when managing a large commercial property like a warehouse.

Forklift Accidents

An average of 2 warehouse workers die each month after being crushed by heavy machinery. Once your employees become comfortable and complacent when handling large equipment, they open themselves to severe and potentially fatal accidents. Though most forklift operators know and understand their machines, you need to do everything you can to increase their overall visibility. By installing PVC Curtains, you can improve natural light and boost visibility to help avoid any forklift accidents in your warehouse.

Hand And Finger-Related Injuries

Crushed or broken fingers are one of the most common workplace accidents that result in severe damage. If your employee gets their fingers stuck between a closing door and its frame, it can result in a ruptured or broken finger and may even lead to amputation.

We suggest you install door finger guards to help prevent such accidents in your warehouse. Even if you are a school owner, you can get door finger guards for schools that help avoid any curious little fingers from accessing the hinge gap of a door.

Slips And Falls

Trips, slips and falls result in the majority of general industry accidents. They result in 15% of all accidental deaths and are second to motor vehicles as a cause of death. As the manager, it's your responsibility to ensure all floors are dry to prevent any accidental slips on the job. You must also ensure that all rugs and carpets are smooth and that all wires are adequately secure to prevent any trips.

As long as you follow these rules, you can quickly reduce the total number of accidents and setbacks in your warehouse.