Additional techniques to babyproof your home

So you have a child in your home, and it's time for you to babyproof your home. You lock your cabinets, plug the outlets, and remove any choking hazards. That is a great start!

Baby proofing is not just to keep the young ones safe but also about your peace of mind. Given below, you will find a few additional techniques that can help you make your house even more safe and more fun for your little adventurer.

Fasten your television

Believe it or not, but tipping TVs are proven to be a severe hazard to young children. There have been numerous reports of children getting injured from a TV that got tipped over.

Remember that a small child is no match for a giant television. Make sure that your television is properly fixed into the wall, following all the instructions that come with a wall mount.

Most people recommend that if you have an old television (anything before a flat-screen) mounted on a table or a shelf, you need to get rid of it or take it down. These televisions tend to be extremely heavy and are often unbalanced.

Bolt all bookshelves

Tall, top-heavy bookshelves also need to be fixed to the wall. You can find a good-quality bookshelf fastener at your nearest hardware store effortlessly.

All children tend to hit a climbing stage. And a bookshelf is going to be a home equivalent of Mount Everest.

They are irresistible, enticing, adventurous, and extremely dangerous for your children. This is why you need to remove them or fasten them to the wall right away.

Installed door finger guards

Another common way children get hurt at home is by having their hands or fingers stuck between the door cavity. However, these accidents are easily avoidable by installing a door hinge protector on all high traffic doors in your home.

A door tends to exert a lot of pressure when being closed. If your child somehow manages to get their finger stuck between the door and its frame, they may have to be rushed to the emergency room immediately. These types of injury often result in severe ligament injury, a fracture, or even amputation.

By installing door finger protection on all doors accessible by kids, you can protect them from such a catastrophic incident.

Install door alarms

For a few dollars, you can buy a door alarm from a local Home Depot. You need to install these alarms on all doors that can lead to areas dangerous for your children.

Does your house have a pool? If yes, you need to install these on all doors that may lead out to the swimming pool.

It is also a great idea to install door alarms on your home entrance, especially if your house sits right across a busy street.

Consider this as an extra layer of safety if your children learn how to unlock a door handle contraption.

The goal of babyproofing your entire house is to provide a haven for your children to roam free and explore.

Ensure you take time, think it through, and don't cut corners when babyproofing your home.