Safety products you need to consider when you have children in your home

We have noticed a lot of parents wondering when they should start with babyproofing their home, especially during the first year of having kids. You can find many babyproofing products in the market to choose from, and finding the perfect products that help you make your home a haven for your children can be overwhelming.

Today’s article will focus on the top babyproofing products like cabinet locks, door finger protection, and blind cord wraps that help keep your children safe at home, even when you are not watching over them.

Cabinet locks

We suggest all new parents purchase two different cabinet locks to double up protection where you store anything poisonous or cleaning supplies (exterior lock and magnetic interior lock). Even though exterior locks are tight enough, there have been cases when children can pull the cabinet open. Hence, we suggest you purchase and install an interior magnetic cabinet lock. Such magnetic locks are invisible from the outside and are very straightforward to install

Door finger protection

There are numerous cases of children getting their hands and fingers stuck between the door and its frame. Children are curious and like to touch everything to understand how their world works. This curiosity may cause a severe accident if they ever get their fingers stuck in the hinge side of a doorway. The easiest way parents can prevent this from happening is by installing a door finger protector. They are easy to install protection strips that cover the entire hinge side of the door, preventing children and adults from getting their hands stuck effortlessly. Remember that a door-related accident can result in serious injury that may even require amputation.

Blind cord wraps

If you have children, you may have already noticed how interested they are in blinds. Even though blind cords can be a hazard for young children, you can proactively prevent any accidents by installing magnetic blind cord wraps that help you keep the cords high and away from children’s reach. You can find several kinds of cord wraps in the market that blend in nicely with your home. You can even purchase stick-on cord wraps that can be installed directly on the wall without drilling holes. Keep in mind that any cord or string that is longer than seven inches should be considered a strangulation hazard for children under one.

Locked medicine box

We always suggest parents put all medicines inside a locked medicine box. Children can move stools or chairs to climb and grab such items, so putting them someplace high will not do anything. We suggest you buy two locked medicine boxes (one for kids/baby and one for adults). Doing this will keep everything organized and not have to mix everything up when you need medicine in an emergency.

By purchasing these products for your home, you can prevent any accidents. Keep in mind that even a minor accident can leave a long-lasting scar in the minds of young children. As parents, it is your responsibility to keep your kids safe and secure, even when not under adult supervision.