3 Common Household Accidents That Could Result In Severe Injuries

As a parent, you will agree that raising children should not be taken lightly. Whether your child is a little klutzy or a daredevil, accidents do happen. While most of these accidents result in minor injuries that could be treated with some antibacterial ointment and kisses, some can be serious.

Every misstep or tumble has the potential to be "the one" that sends you rushing to the nearest hospital.

Today's article will shed light on such accidents to help you avoid minor accidents that could result in severe injuries. Whether you are a teacher, parent, or caregiver, this information can be very valuable for keeping kids safe and healthy.

1. Falling And Tripping

It should come as no surprise that falls are the most significant cause of injury for kids of all ages, be they infants or teenagers. Young kids may fall off playground equipment or furniture when learning to walk. Older children, on the other hand, may fall while playing a sport or while engaging in different physical activities. These falls usually result in minor scrapes and bruises you can quickly treat at home.

However, a fall from a significant height or on hard surfaces could result in more severe complications like head injuries, broken bones, or internal injuries if your child experiences a fall from a significant height and starts showing signs of severe head injury like vomiting or loss of consciousness, it's best if you seek specialised emergency care right away. The best way to prevent such injuries is by installing child safety gates on stairs and baby-proof window locks.

2. Door And Finger Injuries

While these accidents may not sound like much, door-related finger injuries can be severe for kids and even older adults. A closing door can exert tons of pressure, enough to rupture ligaments, fractured bones, and sometimes even amputate little fingers. While installing door hinge guards is always an option, most parents and caregivers don't take this too seriously.

We suggest you do this experiment to understand the importance of preventing such injuries. Place two pencils in the hinge gap (the gap between the door and its frame) and swing shut the door. You will notice that the door will easily break through the pencils. Not imagine what it can do to a child's hands or fingers.

In fact, given the sheer number of door-related injuries every year, some parts of the country have made it mandatory for all educational institutions to install door finger guards for schools to prevent such injuries from occurring within the premises.

3. Accidental Ingestion

Children are curious by nature. They love to touch, smell, and lick everything in their surroundings. This is also how they learn about their environment. However, licking and swallowing random things could lead to severe complications.

For instance, if your child accidentally ingests any harmful substances like cleaners or medications, it could lead to poisoning. As parents, you must keep any dangerous substances out of your child's reach inside child-proof containers.

Similarly, if your child puts small toys or coins in their mouth, it could lead to choking. Younger kids are especially vulnerable to such accidents, so it's important for you to be on your feet at all times. If your child is choking or unable to breathe, it's essential you seek specialised emergency care as soon as possible.

Raising a child is challenging. However, most accidents and injuries can be prevented or treated properly. Simple precautions like installing door finger guards and supervising your kids when they are playing can help you keep your little ones safe and healthy.