Here’s how to make your home safe!

Maintaining a safe home is critical for the safety of your children and family, also for the protection of your guests, friends, workers, and all other people who may be visiting your property.

Keeping your home safe and well equipped with home safety products can help you prevent mundane accidents like falls or chipped fingers and protect you from emergencies like house fires. You need to have a few preventive measures around your home to keep yourself and your family safe.

Door protection

You may not deem this necessary, but door slam stoppers are critical for your home safety. There have been numerous cases of people having their hands smashed against a slamming door. Besides facing excruciating pain, you may even have to visit a doctor and check for any significant injury.

Similarly, you can also get door finger guards installed to prevent any accidents from the hinge side of the door. These accidents are known to cause severe injuries that may even lead to amputation. You must take such security measures in all high-traffic areas.

Smoke detectors

These devices help save lives by warning you to evacuate the premises if there is a house fire, but people often forget to inspect these devices from time to time.

You need to check your smoke detectors monthly and replace batteries whenever necessary. Most injuries during a house fire are caused by excessive smoke inhalation, so quick evacuation is the key.

Tripping hazards

Falls are also a leading cause of most injuries around households. It would be best if you walk through the home and identify any tripping hazards such as:

  • Improperly lit stairways

  • Slippery or bunched rugs

  • Roots

  • Clutter on the floor

  • Loose wires

Take steps to prevent these hazards. You may need to change messy habits, install lights, or contact a professional to help you make repairs.

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to keep your property and your family safe. Taking the required measures now can help you prevent significant injuries later.