Beware of Finger Pinch Injuries!

Studies have shown that more than 300,000 door-related accidents require emergency medical attention each year!

Children, especially under four, tend to suffer the most from door-related injuries that ultimately require an operation or even amputation.

Like all other types of hazards that little children face every day, these door related injuries can also be prevented easily. You can find a highly effective and inexpensive door finger protector online to help you avoid any devastating injury on your property or organization.

Door safety equipment

There are multiple types of door safety equipment that you can use to prevent any accidents at home. Automatic door closers that slow down a swinging door can help you prevent severe injuries around the knob side of the door.

However, most critical injuries often take place towards the hinge side of the door. As a door closes, the area between the door and its frame can exert pressure as much as 40 tons per square inch!

Nevertheless, you can be sure that by having finger guards for doors installed all around the house, you can prevent such injuries effortlessly.

Numerous companies manufacture easy-to-install door hinge guards that eliminate any gap between the door and its frame, making it impossible for kids and even adults to get their fingers chipped accidentally.

Placing door stoppers can also help you prevent any unexpected slamming and closing of a door. Moreover, you can also paint or tape off any area where the door swings to help as a visual aid for employees and children to stay out of the path of a swinging door.

Remember that a door finger guard will not just protect your child from an injury but will also save them from a traumatic experience that may or may not affect their entire life.