Childproofing: how to do it right?

More than 500,000 kids under the age of four get injured in their homes every year (report by Child Alert). This is a surprising statistic that you, as a parent need to take seriously.

Nothing is more important than keeping children safe under proper supervision by an attentive adult. Suppose you have multiple children to supervise in the same house. In that case, you must take all the extra help you can from numerous babyproofing equipment available in the market.

Though we, as parents, always have an eye on our children, our hands are often busy, and that is when childproofing equipment will come into play. Door finger guards will prevent your toddler from getting their hands stuck in the door while you put down the baby and reach for the toddler.

Start childproofing your home by sitting in the area and looking at all objects from a kid's perspective. What will be safe for a baby to explore?

Remember! If you can't bolt it down or childproof it, you need to get rid of it. Let us go through the primary objects and areas in your home that need to be childproofed for maximum precaution.


Ensure that all the staircases in your house have childproof safety gates in place. These safety gates have to be securely fixed to your walls so that toddlers cannot pull or push them out of place. Ensure that you install these gates both at the top and the bottom of the stairs.

We recommend using safety gates that are easier to open with a single hand. You will be surprised how many times we need to open the gates every day with a child on the hip.

Finger guards for doors

There are numerous cases of children getting their fingers stuck on the hinge side of the door every year. It is crucial for you, as a caretaker or a parent, to eliminate this threat by installing finger guards for doors.

Not only are they effortless to install, but they are also available in various colours to fit your home aesthetics perfectly. It will prevent children and even adults from getting hurt when using a door.

Though it may not sound alarming, a chipped finger can be very painful, and depending on the severity of the injury, you may even have to get your finger amputated, which would be terrible for a child to go through. It is always better to have door finger guards installed before it's too late.


Soft gel bumper covers and pool noodles are perfect for any sharp corners in a high-frequency area. Get on your knees and check to find any corners in your home that could be a potential threat to a pint-sized child.


Check your windows. Is it possible for a child to climb out of them? Do you have furniture or a chair that they could use to access it?

Ensure that locks on all windows are functioning correctly if the window is within reach. You also need to pay attention to your window coverings.

Drapes can be pulled down, and cords are a strangulation hazard. You need to go for cordless blinds or roller shades for your child's room.


Childproofing your home will make a significant impact on your overall stress level. If you invest the money and time required to childproof your home, it will be worth the effort.