How To Create A Safe Environment For Senior Citizens

There is no place like home – and sometimes it feels like there is no place safer. However, when it comes to senior citizens, there are a lot of areas that could act as a potential threat. Change is a part of the normal ageing process, such as declining hearing, vision, sense of smell or touch, which could increase your risk of getting injured.

Not to mention, seniors also take longer to heal and recover from serious injuries. While most people think “accidents just happen” and you can do nothing to prevent them, this is not true. By taking simple measures like installing door finger protection and medical alert systems, you can easily ensure all elders in your home are safe, even when you are not there to watch over them.

Medical Alert Systems

Medical alert systems can be beneficial for getting help in an emergency. These devices generally include a wearable help button that the user can use to connect with a 24/7 help centre in case of a fall or any other injury. It will give senior citizens a stronger sense of independence and security, bringing peace of mind.

Door Finger Guards

While they may seem harmless initially, doors can also pose a severe threat to kids and older adults. A closing door can have up to 40 tons of pressure per square inch, which is enough to fracture or even amputate your fingers. The best way to prevent this is by installing door hinge finger guards. These guards help you cover the gap between the door and its frame, preventing any hands or fingers from getting stuck.

Wearables For Seniors

It is great to see how technology is also doing its best to offer seniors safety. There are several wearables available that feature personal emergency response systems. Even the latest Apple watch comes with fall detection technology, which is pretty cool!

By getting these devices, you can effortlessly ensure your home is safe for all kids and older adults!