Critical areas of your home that you must babyproof

One of the biggest reasons children under the age of 4 visits the emergency room is household injuries.

However, the good news is that most of these injuries can easily be prevented by babyproofing your home correctly.

Take time out to look for any hazards that may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of your children. There are numerous products available in the market, like door hinge finger guards, that are easy to install and are straightforward to use.

Baby proofing a house means providing your children with a safe place to play without having to stress about any unexpected injuries.

Living room and all high traffic areas

The living room is an area where family members spend most of their time playing with children. This is why it needs to be safe for the kids and everyone else living in the house.

If your living room has stairs, then you need to have gates installed to prevent falling. In case your living room features a fireplace, ensure that you have a fireplace door or screen to prevent any accidental burns.

Installing a door hinge finger guard on all high traffic areas can help you prevent chipped fingers effortlessly.

It is impossible to babyproof your entire house without having to install door finger protectors on all high traffic areas that your baby has access to.

Cords and electrical outlets may also cause accidents. You need to keep all cables properly secured either to the wall or to the flooring if you wish to avoid any tripping or pulling hazards.

The bathroom is another area that you need to babyproof since children spend a lot of time there. Ensure that you keep all chemical cleaners and medicines out of reach from children as they might attempt to drink or eat them.

By keeping all these things in check, you can live a stress-free life, knowing that your children are safe and secure.